A break

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"We were on a break!" Arthit yelled out, his nerves popping out and his face glowing red

"Do you think, that gives you the permission to go over on a blind date? We were on a break, we did not break up, god dammit!" Kongpob yelled back, tears rolling down his cheek

"It didn't even mean a thing kong, it was just a stupid date" arthit replied, caressing his temple

"And why did you have to even go over? Worse if it was you who proposed it" kongpob mumbled the last bit, scared of the answer

"Of course I did not, I was willing to do anything to make up with you" arthit replied, his voice a little softer

"And you put in some great efforts right there, arthit" kongpob replied, his high pitched tone tearing off arthit's heart

"What do you want to do about it? Run away again? Bail on us, again?" Arthit asked

Kongpob fell quiet, he knew what it was about and he did feel rather guilty of it, the whole break was his fault, he knew it and he accepted it

"Listen, honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, trust me but i never even wanted this break thing to begin with" arthit explained

Kongpob looked back up at him, staring into his dry eyes with his moist ones, it didn't hurt him, because arthit never cried

"That doesn't give you the right to go on a date with somebody else..." kongpob whispered, his voice momentarily breaking

Arthit let out a tired sigh, he was frustrated, with himself, he shouldn't have done it, but he couldn't help it, he wasn't allowed to

"What do you want me to do then? Are you going to break us apart over this?" Arthit asked, his voice held fear in disguise

"I..I want you to go away, for a while, for now" kongpob replied, looking away

Arthit's heart beat slowed down, he didn't want this and he knew kongpob didn't want this either

He took a few steps forward and to his relief kongpob didn't move back, arthit placed his palms over kongpobs tear stained cheeks

Kongpob looked up at him, wanting nothing but to cry out in his arms but he couldn't, he needed to be away from him

Arthit leaned down and placed a long kiss on his forehead and another of Kongpob's tear rolled down, stopping at arthit's palm

"I love you" arthit mumbled with his forehead against Kongpob's

Kongpob shut his eyes close, he didn't agree, he didn't nod, he didn't reply, he just remained silent, wanting arthit to leave

Arthit understood the message and slowly nodded to himself, he moved back and stared at kongpob for another whole minute before he walked off

Kongpob fell on the couch, clutching his hair in his hands he gritted his teeth, he felt betrayed, he was, betrayed

Arthit walked down the street with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his coat as the rain poured down rather heavily

Arthit was all soaked as he made his way to his parent's house, he wanted a one on one conversation, he was tired of the drama and all the strategies

He rung the bell and his mother pulled the door open, smiling at him widely which soon dropped noticing the frown on his face

He walked in, his father was, as always sitting on the couch, too engrossed in the newspaper to notice his presence

"Are you both happy? Now that you have almost ruined all that I have?" Arthit asked, his voice louder than he had intended it to be

Aroon put the newspaper aside and adjusted his glasses, looking up at arthit curiously while loona nervously chuckled

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