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This story is on the special request of Susmitha3, sorry for the delay

"Oon! The weather is so good! Can I please go out just for an hour? Not much, just an hour? Please!" Kongpob whined, pulling onto the other's arms

"No, it's raining and I don't want you to catch a cold for no reason" arthit replied, swiftly typing on his laptop

Kongpob huffed out, letting go of arthit's arms, he slouched on the bed behind, at days like these he hated arthit's over protective side

I'm not a baby! Kongpob thought

"You are a baby to me Kong" arthit said calmly

"You heard me?" Kongpob asked surprised

"You think loudly" arthit chuckled

Kongpob rolled his eyes at him, laying back on the bed, he puffed out his cheeks, the pit pat of the rain ringing in his ears as he glanced outside the window with longing eyes

"Meanie, he is always busy in work, doesn't spend time with me and doesn't let me do anything either, he doesn't love me anymore..." Kongpob's voice trailed off

Unexpectedly kongpob heard a loud sigh escape arthit's mouth as he watched the other shut his laptop close before walking towards him

Scooping the other up in his arms, arthit sat on the bed with kongpob on him, who had his hands folded against his chest and an angry look on his face

"Bun, I really love you and that is why I'm worried about you getting sick, you have your exams starting from next week, I don't want you to get sick at this time" arthit explained, caressing the other's waist softly

It was one of Kongpob's favourite way of showing affection, he loved it when arthit caressed his waist ever so softly, but he was not falling for it today

"Just because you are elder than me by a few years doesn't mean I'm a baby, I'm grown up too!" Kongpob argued

"Uh huh, by nearly ten years Kong, you are just twenty, just a baby" arthit replied, pinching the other's nose

"Twenty and thirty isn't that different!" Kongpob argued

"Of course it is, now you are going to obey me and just sleep, you gotta rest for a while, you had a busy week, hmm?" Arthit asked, gently pushing the other off him

Kongpob only scoffed before hiding under the blankets, his back facing arthit, arthit chuckled at his attempt of showing his anger

Arthit slowly and smoothly pulled the other towards him by his waist, kongpob only murmured under his breath before trying to get away, while arthit only held him tighter

An hour had passed since arthit forced kongpob to apparently take some rest while all the other wanted to do was to go outside

Arthit had fallen asleep due to how tired his work made him feel while kongpob was wide awake, obviously he was tired too, but the pit pat of the rain did not allow him to sleep

Glancing over at arthit, he noticed how deeply the other was sleeping, slowly pushing the blanket off him, kongpob tiptoed outside the room

Grabbing his phone and arthit's, he switched off the set alarms before quietly yet quickly making his way outside, in the backyard

Arthit groaned as he shifted in his sleep, feeling rather fresh after the not so short nap he had, patting his hand on the other side of the bed, he expected to find his boyfriend sleeping, which pretty much wasn't the case

Arthit sat up straight at once, looking all around the room he tried to find kongpob rolled up in any corner, maybe just sulking but the other wasn't in sight

Arthit's eyes fell at the window, it was still raining oh so heavily, with furrowed eyebrows arthit made his wat outside the room, all the way downstairs towards the main door and to the backyard

Kongpob's smile knew no limits, his cheek hurt due to his wide he grinned throughout his play session in the rain

The grass was wet, there were several puddles of water in which he loved to bounce at least once, splashing the water all over him

"Kongpob sutthalik!" Arthit's voice roared in the thunder

Kongpob shivered at the sudden yell, turning around he was face to face with a boiling arthit, making him gulp with fear

"Inside. Now." Arthit order, pointing towards the main door

Kongpob quickly nodded before he took a run towards the house, rushing inside, he grabbed a pair of random clothes before hurrying inside the washroom

A while later, kongpob was in the bedroom, while arthit was downstairs in the kitchen, making some porridge for the other, who after sneezing every second argued that he was fine

"You caught a cold now, your body is heating up too, what did I tell you about going in the rain? Did I not deny you?" Arthit asked, pushing the tray of food in front of the other

Kongpob only pouted sadly, before slowly and quietly having his meal, feeling better with the hot porridge

Arthit glanced at his baby like face, which melted his heart almost immediately, as he took a seat beside the other

"You know I would never want you to be sick? Can you just not listen to me because I'm the elder one here?" Arthit asked softly

"I'm sorry, you know right I just love the rain too much..." Kongpob mumbled

"And you know how much I love you?" Arthit asked back

Kongpob's head hung low as he slowly nodded, arthit let out a tired sigh

"Kong, you know I would always think of your good, you get sick so easily and them playing out in the rain is just ridiculous" arthit explained

"Though you should stop being a meanie, you are rich enough to buy me medicines..." Kongpob mumbled to himself

"Doesn't mean you keep getting sick!" Arthit replied, rather loudly

Kongpob shivered at the sudden yell which made arthit bite his tongue, he shouldn't have been that loud

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" arthit mumbled, pulling the other closer

"Meanie" kongpob replied

"Stop calling me that" arthit said

"I will, meanie" kongpob repeated

"Fine fine, I'm your meanie, but I ain't allowing you to get sick, also, since I'm a meanie, no cuddles for a week" arthit replied, letting the other go

Kongpob's eyes widened as he quickly pulled arthit closer again

"No!" Kongpob said

"Why not? Ain't I a meanie? And you also deserve a punishment for disobeying me, so yeah" arthit replied before he walked away, biting his lips to prevent himself from grinning

"Oon!" Kongpob yelled following the other like a little lost puppy while arthit enjoyed it all to the fullest

Okay! Guess who's back?
Did anyone miss me?, because I missed this

And as always,
I purple you 💜

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