Beauty in the eyes

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This story is on the special request of lazylioness555 BTS_F7

The cheerful morning came by as the sun rose higher in the sky with every passing hour, forcing Arthit out of the bed as the light flashed on his face

Arthiy ruffled his hair before making his way to the washroom, brushing his teeth and preparing a bath as he grabbed his clothes from the cupboard

It took him around thirty minutes to get ready and head towards the others room, Kongpob who was soundly sleeping as the light didn't affect him

Arthit gave the door one knock before he walked inside, smiling dearly at the other's sleeping figure, as he walked closer to him, taking a seat beside him on the bed

"Kong" Arthit called softly, tapping his shoulder

Kongpob shifted in his sleep and only whined in response, wanting another five minutes or so which Arthit granted him immediately

Arthit admired him sleeping, it was his favorite job because this was the only time that Kongpob didn't object, whenever he was awake all he would do is nag at Arthit

Arthit sighed at his thoughts, his hand slowly and carefully travelling to the other's hair, his fingers tangling themselves in the black locks and kongpob unconsciously sighed in content

"Kong, it's nine o'clock already" Arthit informed

Kongpob groaned, stretching out his limbs, he finally sat up straight, pouting as arthit chuckled at him which made kongpob turn to him

"Open your eyes" Arthit requested

"What's the point?" Kongpob asked back, a stiffness in his body again

"They are beautiful to look at" Arthit commented

"But they don't work" kongpob replied, pushing the covers off him before slowly getting off the bed

Arthit sighed as the other slowly and steadily made his way to the washroom and shut the door close, to get ready for the day

Kongpob had been in a road accident three years ago, the accident had a massive impact on him, he ended up with several fractures and vision impairment

The fractures obviously healed with time but the vision impairment was not something that could heal, and so it stayed by his side much to his frustration

Arthit was his appointed caretaker, he has been staying with Kongpob for the past two and a half years, he helped him in various tasks, although the younger one was very capable of roaming around the house without any assistance

Arthit, since the first day was dyingly in love with the younger one, he had noticed his eyes and found himself instantly drowning, they were beautiful in his opinion, although the other never agreed to it

Kongpob was neutral with Arthit, he never showcased his emotions, in the starting he loated Arthit because the other reminded him of his incapability to do anything but as time passed, he grew a tad bit fond of him

Arthit now stays with all the time, he lives with him as roommates, talks to him like friends and takes care of him like the caretaker he is, Arthit is his all in one

"Arthit!" Kongpob yelled from the living room

"Coming!" Arthit yelled back hurrying over to him

Kongpob sensed Arthit sit beside him and he immediately turned to him

"I want to go out" kongpob replied

"Kong, I'm very busy today, lets go out tomorrow, hmm?" Arthit asked, patting his hair

"I want to go out today, Arthit" kongpob argued

"I know bunny, but I promise we will spend the whole day outside tomorrow, I just have work today" arthit replied, trying to sound soft

"Sure sure, after all I can't really do anything by myself nor can I see if you are lying or not, do as you wish" kongpob replied, turning away

Arthit stared at him before his eyes fell, he didn't want to hurt the other, but shouldn't Kongpob too think about not hurting him?

Arthit did accept that the other didn't love him, but the least he could expect is for him to not hate him, not dislike him, but that's what seemed to be the situation

"I'm a bad caretaker, aren't I?" Arthit asked, chuckling sadly

Arthit noticed kongpob slowly freeze in his place, not replying but he could see the slight guilt in the lines forming on his forehead

"I think you deserve a better one" Arthit mumbled, before he stood up and walked away

Kongpob's eyes widened as realisation hit him and his heart beat fastened, he was just sulking but this is not what he wanted, he didn't want any new caretaker, Arthit was the best there could ever be

Kongpob didn't know what to do, he was never good with words and actions is something he can hardly do now, and so he found his shoulders falling and his lips forming a pout

Arthit sat by the window in his room, gazing out slightly dark clouds, it seemed like it was about to rain, and he immediately thought of Kongpob, who was scared of the lightening

He was about to check on him when the door to his room creaked open and a hesitant Kongpob walked in, his eyes roaming all over the room, trying to find a way to locate him

"Is something wrong?" Arthit asked

Kongpob's neck snapped to his direction and he walked forward, holding out hand for the other to grab who immediately understood and did so

"Oon.." kongpob whispered

Arthit's heart beat fastened, this wasn't his normal behavior, Arthit had told him about his nickname just a week after they met, but this was the first time he used it

"Yes, honey?" Arthit asked, holding him close

"Don't leave" kongpob mumbled

"Huh?" Arthit asked confused, his mind not clicking on what he had said in the morning

The rain started to pour, loud and clear and suddenly the clouds roared with lightening and Kongpob hid himself in the other's embrace

Arthit held him close, patting his back repeatedly, rocking back and forth as if cradling a child while kongpob held his t-shirt firmly in his fists

"I'm sorry Oon, please don't leave him, don't go away, you are all I have" kongpob mumbled

Arthit kissed the top of his head mumbling sweet nothings in his ear, trying to calm the other down

"I love you, Oon" Kongpob whispered

Arthit's face beamed and he grinned, trying his best to hold in himself from jumping up in happiness

"I..I love you too, sweetie" Arthit whispered

"So, no leaving?" Kongpob asked

"No, no leaving, I'm here always and forever" Arthit replied

Kongpob smiled at him before hiding his face in his neck again while arthit kept pulling him closer, loving his warmth

They spent the night in each other's arms, their love keeping them warm and it was more than enough to hold Arthit behind and let him stay by Kongpob's side for forever and more

I purple you 💜

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