Safe place

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"I'm home" kongpob whispered as he pushed himself inside the house

Throwing his bag on the couch, he plopped right beside it, his head resting on the headrest while his hands spread as if he had been exercising for so long, beads of sweat rolling down his temple but he felt his body shivering cold

Glancing at the clock, he inaudibly gasped, it was eight in the night and he had just returned from the library, yet not able to complete all the important notes he needed for the exams next week, he felt his throat aching, and eyes tearing

He gulped in the lump, hoping it would fade away the tears but instead they rolled down in a great speed, finding it difficult to control anymore, he cupped his face in his hands, crying as hard as he could without making noise, and he felt it hurt physically

"Hey love, I'm sorry I was in the washr.." Arthit's words denied to fall as he noticed the state of his boyfriend

Hurrying towards the other, arthit pulled him in for a hug, and immediately felt Kongpob clutching his shirt tight in his fists, arthit felt his own eyes tearing as he heard the loud sobs from kongpob, patting his back soothingly he tried to calm him down

"What's wrong love? Did someone tell you something? Was it any of the professors?" Arthit softly asked, caressing the other's hair

Kongpob lightly shook his head, his sobs getting louder and arthit felt himself tensing up at ever sound the other made

"Then what is it? Please tell me, I'm getting worried" arthit said, feeling his heart beat race as well

"It's.. It's just way too hard, college is too much stress..I have been trying to complete all of the notes since the last week, but they don't seem to f..finish.. I have pending assignments and my exams are next week..I have no idea of what will I be able to do, what..what if I fail? I don't wish to disappoint my parents or you oon, and so I'm trying very hard..but at days it just gets me and I..I feel so helpless" kongpob explained his heart, whatever he felt, whatever he held inside, he let it all out in arthit's arms

Arthit took in a deep breath, and then released a sigh of relief that it was nothing serious, the other was absolutely fine and was just stressed about his academics

"Love, you know you are doing your best, why would you fail then? Don't you think all this hard work is going to pay you back, also you are never going to disappoint me or mom and dad, understand?" Arthit asked ever so softly

Kongpob slowly nodded, hiding further into arthit's embrace, feeling safe in the other's arms, arthit who noticed that kongpob was trying to gain as much as warmth possible, pulled him in tighter, placing his chin on the other's head

"Let's get upstairs, I will prepared you a nice warm bath and then we will cuddle as long as you want, works?" Arthit suggested

"Works" Kongpob mumbled back

Arthit smiled at his babyish voice, and chuckled at how the younger one needed at least one pampering day in a week, and this week's seemed to be  today 

Kissing the top of his head, arthit slowly let go of kongpob who groaned the following second making arthit giggle

"I can't prepare the bath with you on my back love, come on, it won't take much time" arthit chuckled

"How do you feel now? Better?" Arthit asked as he noticed Kongpob walk out the washroom

The latter slowly shook his head making arthit frown, a warm bath didn't help?

Before arthit could reply to the situation, kongpob had already climbed up the bed and under the sheets, in Arthit's arms, placing his head on the other's chest, he hummed in comfort

"Better" kongpob mumbled

Arthit stared at him for a good ten seconds before bursting into fits of laughter, which sounded like the most beautiful melody to kongpob's ears

"You are such a baby honestly Kong" arthit chuckled

"Am I not your baby?" Kongpob asked, a tiny pout adoring his lips

"Of course you are, my forever little one" arthit replied, pecking his pout

Kongpob's pout turned into a wide smile and arthit noticed how the shine in his eyes had returned which put his heart at peace as well

"Oon" Kongpob called

Arthit hummed in response, playing with kongpob's black locks

"Thank you, for being my safe place" Kongpob replied

Arthit smiled at him, placing kisses all over his face, making him giggle before he whispered


I purple you 💜

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