Happy new year

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"Is it really that hard?" Arthit asked

"Yes baby, I'm scared I wouldn't be able to make it" kongpob replied with a sigh

"But you promised" arthit argued

"I know love and I tried really really hard, but it's of no use, the meeting's extended for another day" kongpob replied

"Tell your boss, I hate him" arthit mumbled

"I will tell him with all the anger, I promise" kongpob replied, slightly chuckling

"Oh really? Well then tell something to yourself too" arthit suggested

"Yes hun?" Kongpob asked

"I hate you as well!" Arthit replied as he hung up

Arthif threw his phone on the couch beside him, a new year without his Boyfriend? Did that make any sense?

Arthit fell back with a soft thud, groaning, he was in the baddest of moods, a pout on his lips and cheeks puffed out, he already hated this year

"Tuffy" arthit called with a whistle

Not even a second later came tuffy runnig with her four little feet and hoped onto arthit, her tongue sticking out as she nuzzled her fur in his arm

"It's only you never bails on me" arthit mumbled, patting her head

Tuffy looked up at him with innocent eyes, panting calmly when arthit suddenly smiled mischievously

"Oh I have an idea, why don't we tease your daddy? Show him how much fun we can have without him as well?" Arthit suggested, wiggling his eyebrows

Kongyy 💗

Not wanting to disturb your important 'extended meeting' or something but I did Tuffy's hair for 'our new year celebration'

Not wanting to disturb your important 'extended meeting' or something but I did Tuffy's hair for 'our new year celebration'

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Oh love! She looks gorgeous
You are having a new year celebration by yourself?

Or what? You expect me to not to anything since my only boyfriend betrayed me?

I didn't betray you love, and obviously I'm your only boyfriend, you aren't allowed to have many, I'm just so sorry honey

You are disturbing me and Tuffy, and well I might call a few of my friends over as well

Do the friends include mike?

Oh yes, the friends completely include Mike

Arthit, rather immediately regretted what he had said, but there was no turning back anymore as he saw Kongpobs name flash right on his screen

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