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This story is on the special request of daichiloves

"Ana, stop running all over the flowers, honey!" Kongpob yelled out, his hands on his hips

"Sorry papa, I didn't mean to kill them" Ana replied, her head hanging low in brimming guilt

Two strong pair of arms suddenly lifted her up as she yelled in surprise and immediately burst into laughter once she recognized who it was

"Daddy!" Ana yelled

"Yes baby, and it's alright you don't have to be so sad, the flowers forgive you because you are so pretty, just make sure you don't do that again love" Arthit replied, kissing her cheek lovingly

"I thought that was my nickname?" Kongpob pouted

Arthit chuckled, letting Ana out of his grip who immediately ran towards the alive flowers, apologising for killing their relatives as Arthit engulfed Kongpob

"You know you are more than just love to me, darling" Arthit mumbled, kissing his forehead

Kongpob grinned in response, hugging him tight with his head on his chest letting out a content sigh

"Mom and dad called, they will be here in an hour or so" kongpob informed

"P'Knot will be here in a bit too" Arthit replied

"My parents are at my grandparents place, so they might just come for a bit to greet everyone and meet Ana" Kongpob said, pulling away

Arthit nodded at him before he made his way inside the house, deciding to take a shower and freshen up before everyone arrives

It was the holiday season and everyone had decided a family gathering at Kongpob and Arthit's place which the two and Ana were so excited about, it had been a while since they all gathered together

Kongpob was in the kitchen, cutting up fruits for Ana when he heard her hurried footsteps running towards the kitchen and he immediately dried up his hands to come to her instead

"What is it? Why are you running, again?" Kongpob asked

"Papa! Aunt Nia and uncle Knot are here" Ana announced excitedly

"Really? Go and tell your daddy, he will be happy" kongpob replied, smiling at her

Ana nodded and took her run again while kongpob approached the main door to find Knot and Nia hanging up their coats

"How are you both doing?" Kongpob asked, hugging them both one after another

"Now that we are here, I'm greater than ever" Nia grinned

"She is always more than excited to meet Ana" Knot chuckled

"Come in, I will get you some fruits" kongpob smiled, leading them further inside

Ana had already dragged Arthit to the living room, who greeted his elder brother and sister in law with the largest of smiles and warmest of hugs

"Are mom and dad coming?" Nia asked

"Yea, the.." Arthit was cut by a loud, shrill voice

"Ana! Grandma's here" Loona yelled out from the door

Ana ran over and jumped in her arms and Aroon ruffled her hair smiling, before handing her the package they had brought along

Loona and Aroon walked further inside and greeted everyone with their motherly and fatherly warmness, as the house suddenly grew complete, only two people were missing

"Are Suruchi and Kerkarai not coming?" Aroon asked, turning to Kongpob

"I will check with them again" kongpob replied, pulling out his phone as he walked away

"So, what did you get Ana?" Nia asked, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously

Ana smirked back passing the same amount of mischief before handing the package to her, finding it hard to open it up herself

Nia gladly took it in her grip before unpacking it and widening her eyes dramatically for Ana to grow more and more excited and curious

"What is it? What is it?" Ana repeated, standing on her tip toes

Nia smiled at her before pulling out the pink box in a flash, and Ana's eyes popped out of their sockets

"You got me the Barbie Dream House?" Ana shrieked excitedly, jumping up and down

"Looks like we did" loona chuckled

Ana hurried to place a kiss on both Loona and Aroon's cheeks before grabbing Nia's hand and dragging her to her bedroom, to assemble her gift

"You are spoiling her" arthit chuckled

"You never spoiled us" Knot argued playfully

"You weren't our grandkids" aroon reasoned out

Arthit and Knot turned to each other and chuckled, when they heard another car pulling up in the driveway and Kongpob hurried to the door

"Mom, dad, I missed you" kongpob confessed, pulling them both in a hug

"We did too honey, we are sorry for not meeting up with you regularly" Suruchi replied, kissing his hair

The two of them moved further inside, greeting everyone and Ana was called down with Nia to meet them as well and was handed yet another package

"What is this?" Ana asked, her eyes held pure excitement

"Open up" kerkarai replied chuckling

The box was forwarded to Nia again and she opened it up quicker, it was not thar huge to take time, when the gift was in sight, Ana jumper up to grab it from Nia's hold

"The new Barbie? I have got the whole set!" Ana grinned

Suruchi and kerkarai received a kiss on their cheeks as well as Nia was dragged back to Ana's bedroom and it would be an understatement to say that she did not love it

"So, how's the buisness?" Kerkarai asked, taking a sip of his tea

"Pretty much the same, loss and profit is all it is" Aroon chuckled softly

"True that" Kerkarai agreed

"Oh yes, Mrs Kim is quite an arrogant one" Suruchi mumbled

"I know right, the last time she looked me in the eye and walked away as if she didn't recognise me" loona replied, shaking her head

"These ladies, but whatever" Suruchi mumbled and they digged out a new gossip

"I enjoyed a lot today" Nia confessed

"Ana always keeps you all to herself" kongpob chuckled

"And she loves that" Knot replied

Arthit giggled with them, his head on Kongpob's shoulder and his arm resting on his waist

"I think Arthit is feeling sleepy" Nia commented

"So do I, your heads getting heavier on my shoulder Oon" kongpob replied

"I really am feeling sleepy" Arthit mumbled, followed by a yawn

"I think we should all go to sleep now" Knot suggested

"I'm sure both our dads would be out there talking about buisness and moms busy in gossiping" kongpob chuckled

"Let them be then, I'm sure they are enjoying" Nia giggled

The four of them made their way to their bedrooms, kongpob checked on Ana who was sleeping soundly in her room before returning to a whiny arthit who wanted cuddles

The day was spent happily with loads of laughter and chattering, and as everyone went off to sleep, the day ended with everyone dreaming comfortably

I purple you 💜

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