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Kongpob walked in the club, dodging all the drunk dancers as he made his way to the bar counter, wanting nothing but alcohol down his throat

"Anything that burns my throat as it goes down, I need a distraction" kongpob ordered

The boy nodded before beginning to get the drink ready as kongpob took his time looking around, until the song changed to one of his favourites, 'gorgeous' by Taylor swift

You should take it as a compliment
That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk

You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong

A smile made it's way over kongpobs face as he swayed in his seat with the beat, he loved it

Most of the people yelled out loud while a few of them took their seats to enjoy the song in it's own vibe, until kongpobs eyes fell on a particular stranger, who was suddenly in the middle of the dance floor

Kongpob squinted his eyes to take a better look at the boy, he was surely of his own age, pale white as his skin reflected the lights, his tiny waist and the very perfect body, he was a dream

And I got a boyfriend who is older than us
He's in the club doing I don't know what
You are so cool
It makes me hate you so much
(I hate you so much)

Kongpob groaned as Noah flashed in his mind, his boss, his tiny little crush on the man he worked for, but he had never felt his heart flutter for him in a way it did for this stranger

Kongpobs favourite hobby till today was to watch Noah work and it seemed like it was about to change after today, to watch this stranger smile

Kongpobs smile turned into a nervous stare as he found the stranger walking right towards him and in a minute he was sitting right beside him, looking as dreamy as ever

"Whiskey with all the ice you find" the guy ordered

Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine
You have ruined my life, by not being mine

You are so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You are gorgeous

Kongpob watched him as he sipped the Whiskey and watched how it went down his throat, he was in love

One sight of this stranger and he has found his eternity, Noah was nothing in front of him, it wasn't even considered a teenage crush in front of this man

Kongpobs coughed out loud when the stranger looked him in the eyes, he might have felt the obvious stare on him

But unlike kongpob had expected him to question him rudely, the guy passed a dimpled smile, his dimple, was to die for

"Hey!" He yelled to be heard above the loud music

"Hey" kongpob replied in a comparatively tinier voice

Kongpob immediately looked away, as the guy's eyebrows crashed together

You should take it as a compliment That I'm talking to everyone here, but you

And you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in the darkened room

If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her
But if you are single, that's honestly worse
'Cause you are so gorgeous it actually hurts

"What's your name?" The guy asked

"I'm kongpob" kongpob replied

"I'm arthit, are you here all alone?" Arthit asked, looking around

"Yea, what about you? Your girlfriend?" Kongpob asked back

Arthit chuckled and kongpob swears it was the most beautiful one he has ever heard

"Nah, I'm single" arthit replied

"What a pity.." kongpob mumbled

Arthit raised an eyebrow and kongpob's cheeks heated up and arthit let it off with a cute laugh

Ocean blue eyes
Looking in mine
I feel like I might
Sink and drown and die

You are so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You are gorgeous

Kongpob looked into his eyes and they were the kind of Ocean blue eyes he could drown in and want to die for and was with no doubt sinking in as of now

"You think the gorgeous is me?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow

Kongpob blushed deeper, he had the plans of being confident and flirty but this man was unreal

"Your eyes give you away" arthit chuckled

You make me so happy
It turns back to sad
There's nothing I hate more than
What I can't have
You are so gorgeous
It makes me so mad

You make me so happy
It turns back to sad
There's nothing I hate more than
What I can't have
Guess I will just stumble on home to my cats
Unless you wanna come along?

"Don't tell me you have cats at home, whom you are going to stumble on when you reach home?" Arthit chuckled

"Actually I do, Luca and love" kongpob replied, suppressing his huge grin

"Well then, this song was written for us" arthit winked

"That mean I'm gonna go home alone, unless you wanna come along?" Kongpob asked, putting on the most innocent look he could

Arthit stared at him for a second before he laughed out loud making kongpob smile

"Doesn't look like I'm letting you off alone anywhere after this" arthit replied with a smirk which made kongpob only smile wider

you are so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You are gorgeous

You make me so happy
It turns back to sad
There's nothing I hate more than
What I can't have
You are so gorgeous
It makes me so mad
You are gorgeous

You make me so happy
It turns back to sad
There's nothing I hate more than
What I can't have
You are so gorgeous
It makes me so mad
You are gorgeous

Anyone wants a q/a?

I purple you 💜

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