Lucky love

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This is thd continuation of my story "gorgeous" on the request of mohainaalisarat artkongPM bookloveforever15

The birds chirped louder than ever when kongpob fluttered his eyes open, slowly stretching his arms, he turned to face the other side of the bed

A smile spread across his lips the very second when he found a pair of blue eyes staring into his brown ones

"Good morning bun" arthit mumbled in his raspy voice

"Good morning" kongpob replied, snuggling into arthit

Arthit chuckled at his antics, pulling him closer and covering themselves with the blanket making kongpob chuckle

Arthit hid his face in the crook of kongpobs neck, sighing deeply he shut his eyes close again

"Aren't we getting up?" Kongpob asked, stroking the others hair

"Maybe not now" arthit replied softly

"Maybe immediately" kongpob corrected, pulling away from arthit

Arthit groaned and whined and kongpob swears he enjoyed it and would give up possibly anything for it

"Come on, don't you wanna go to work?" Kongpob asked, grabbing himself some fresh clothes and a towel

"Certainly not" arthit replied grumpily

Kongpob laughed, approaching the elder one, he kissed him on the cheek before hurrying towards the bathroom

Arthit smiled through the frown, accepting his cruel fate he decided to get up and get ready as well

"And what's for breakfast?" Kongpob asked, peeking into what arthit was cooking

"Some dead birds and oh I found a frog right at our frontstep" arthit replied merrily

"Sounds festive, what is it again?" Kongpob asked, making an 'I'm done with you' face

"Oh it's just pancakes and coffee" arthit replied laughing

"Better" kongpob replied, taking a seat at the dining table

Arthit hummed himself a soft tune as he continued making the pancakes while kongpob adored his little dance

A few minutes later, arthit served him the pancakes and placed the cup of coffee on the table, still humming, but now loud enough to be called singing

You are so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You are gorgeous

Kongpob chuckled at his choice of song, ready to dig in his breakfast, when arthit pulled him with him

And suddenly they were both dancing in the middle of the kitchen with arthit singing at the top of his voice

Kongpob went along, laughing, giggling, dancing and enjoying the sight of his Boyfriend doing nothing but setting up the standards very high again

You are so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You are gorgeous

"Trust me, I'm glad they played this song that night" kongpob mumbled

"So am I, I guess we are lucky in love" arthit winked at him playfully

Kongpob chuckled, leaning his head on arthits shoulder while arthit continued swaying them peacefully

"Arthit" kongpob called

Arthit hummed in response, a soft smile playing on his lips

"The coffee is getting cold and so are the pancakes" kongpob mumbled, suppressing his laugh

"I hate you" arthit replied, pulling away

"I love you too" kongpob said chuckling as he got back to his food with arthit feeling helpless and nothing but lucky

I purple you 💜

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