His birthday

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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

"Oon, your phone has been beeping since god knows when" Kongpob groaned

"Just take a look at it then, who is it disturbing my Kong's afternoon sleep?" Arthit chuckled, shuffling in the closet

Kongpob scoffed, getting off the bed he walked over to the dresser placed at the corner of the room, switching off the charger, Kongpob plugged out Arthit's phone and opened it, curios as to who was dying to be constantly messaging the other


Let's meet at the city cafe tomorrow, maybe in the afternoon

Also, um, not to sound suspicious or something, but it would be better to not bring nong Kongpob, you see he acts differently around me and I don't wish to make any more misunderstandings or something

Kongpob felt his mouth getting dry at the messages he just read, what could possibly they be meeting again for? That too tomorrow on kongpob's birthday?

"Who is it love?" Arthit asked

"P'Namtan" kongpob blankly replied

Immediately hearing shuffles, kongpob noticed how arthit rushed out of the closet and took his phone away, a look of urgency on his face as he tried to flash him a convincing smile

"Uh, yeah we just met at the bus stop yesterday, so yeah..never mind about it, you should go and take a shower, and I will make you some lunch" arthit replied, hiding his phone behind his back

Kongpob nodded, walking towards the bathroom, with his heart on his sleeves, what was arthit hiding? Was he supposed to be worried?

Walking downstairs, Kongpob noticed arthit messaging someone with a small smile on his face, and he immediately assumed it to be namtan he was texting

Gulping in the lump in his throat, he sat on the dining table, pulling the plate towards him and silently digging in, not bothering to comment how delicious the food was, his mind wasn't where he was

"Kong, are you okay?" Arthit asked, waving his hand in front of the other's face

"Yeah, I..I'm fine" kongpob replied, blinking multiple times

"Doesn't look like, are you not feeling well love? Want to visit the doctor?" Arthit asked worriedly

"No oon, I'm fine, don't worry" kongpob replied, forcing a sweet smile as arthit softly nodded

"Oon, what are we going to do tomorrow?" Kongpob asked, hopping beside arthit, acting the best he could

"What would we do? It's a holiday, stay at home and relax" arthit replied, shrugging his shoulders

Kongpob pouted, his head hung low as he played with the hem of his hoodie, looking like a sulky baby

"I thought we would be going out..." He mumbled to himself

Arthit glanced at him, biting his lower lip to prevent himself from laughing, as he pulled the other on his lap, ever so effortlessly

"Were you apparently trying to check if I remember your birthday or not hun?" Arthit asked chuckling

"You do remember?" Kongpob asked, his eyes sparkling

"Of course, it isn't a thing to forget" arthit replied, bopping his nose with that of kongpob's

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