It worked out

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This is the continuation of my story "tragedy" on the special request of BTS_F7

Kongpob stood by the kitchen counter, chopping the vegetables as he hummed his favorite song to himself, enjoying the peaceful silence around the house since Arthit was in his room, not creating any nuisance

Kongpob laughed at that thought, Although Arthit was older than him by age, he was very much still a child by all of his behavior, he was a troublemaker while Kongpob followed him everywhere, cleaning up after his mess and to say that he liked it, would be just an understatement

Arthit had begun his own work after a lot of thought and the both of them knew that it was a high risk decision but they needed it, for their better future and life, they couldn't live in a rat hole all their life

Fortunately, the business worked well, it wasn't the best in the city but it was well known and they were financially stable, Kongpob's money kept safely in the deposit because Arthit earned enough for them

Kongpob was lost in his thoughts when he felt a pair of arms circling around his waist as the intruder placed his chin on Kongpob's shoulder, nuzzling into his neck ever so softly

"What did you do, now?" Kongpob asked, raising an eyebrow

Arthit smiled sheepishly as he let go of the other who turned around to face him as he scratched the back of his neck

"I was, kind of setting up my files and uh..." Arthit's voice trailled off

"Dropped the papers and now they are all scattered?" Kongpob asked, shaking his head disbelievingly

Arthit nodded fiddling with his fingers, Kongpob hit the top of Arthit's head playfully who pouted in response as he made his way to Arthit's work office, to settle the files for real

Arthit quickly followed the other, helping him in gathering up the papers as Kongpob sat down on the couch, setting them up in the correct order while Arthit sat in front of him, staring at him

"What?" Kongpob asked confused

"You are beautiful, baby" Arthit grinned

"Aren't I doing your work already? What is this buttering up for?" Kongpob chuckled

Arthit pouted, sitting down beside Kongpob he grabbed the papers from the other's hold and put them on the table before pulling the other on his lap

"You think that I praise you, so that you do my work?" Arthit asked, clearly offended

"Or why?" Kongpob asked back, clearly teasing the other

"Kong!" Arthit warned

Kongpob laughed out loud at his boyfriend's reaction, finding it adorable

"I'm just teasing you Oon, what would you get so serious for?" Kongpob asked, placing his head on the other's shoulder

Arthit smiled, patting the other's back softly as he lay his head attached to Kongpob's

"I'm so damn grateful, to have you, again not because you do my work, but because of how loved you make me feel, honey" arthit mumbled, intertwining their fingers

"I love you Oon, and not because you spoil me all the time, but because you love me for me, for everything I do and for everything I don't" Kongpob mumbled back

I purple you 💜

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