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This story is on the special request of lazylioness555

Arthit sighed for the nineteenth time since morning, he was absolutely exhausted and tired, how could he not be? His boyfriend was drooling over some other guy, right in front of him

"Kongy" arthit whined, wanting his attention

Kongpob shushed him up with his hand, his eyes never leaving the television screen and a smile playing on his lips

Arthit only frowned deeper and lay back in the couch, wanting to pull the other closer to him but he didn't want to be yelled at

Arthit huffed, the power his boyfriend had on him was unbelievable, could anyone imagine? The cold hearted, resting bitch faced CEO to be whining for someone's attention?

Yet here he was, listening to the younger's command oh so obediently like the simp he proudly was

"Baby, can you pay me some attention?" Arthit asked

"Arthit, I need to watch this show, just look at him, he is unreal" kongpob replied, dreamy eyes staring at the screen

Arthit scoffed, barely looking at the guy mentioned by the other, he agreed that he was good looking, but unreal was surely an exaggeration

"Is Hanbin your boyfriend or am I?" Arthit asked, pulling onto the other's shirt

"If only I'd ever got a chance to ask him out..." kongpob mumbled, getting lost in the dreamland

Arthit's eyes widened at the others words, what did he mean by that? He would have left arthit if he got a chance with that guy?

Arthit stared at him dumbfounded, his pout being replaced by a frown and his whining now replaced with anger, he was angry and so he walked away, into his work room

Kongpob saw him leave but didn't think much about it, he thought that the other might have just got bored and decided to get his work done, completely unaware of the real cause

Kongpob got back to shamelessly staring at the man on the screen, to say that he was his first love might also be an understatement, if not for arthit, kongpob could die for the man on the screen

The day he'd met arthit, he knew in an instant that this was the man he wouldn't leave for anyone, not even Hanbin himself

An hour or so passed and the show finally came to an end, kongpob stretched out his arms and yawned, as he glanced at the watch

He suddenly craved cuddles, he knew he could only rest for another half an hour before he would need to get done with his own files and documents and so he needed his energy, cuddles

Kongpob hurried upstairs, slowly pushing the door to arthits work room open and peeking in, finding the other engrossed on his computer

Kongpob smiled and walked in, tapping on the others shoulder who seemed to be completely ignoring his presence making him pout

"Oon?" Kongpob called

Arthit didn't reply and instead pulled a little away, leaning further into the chair, staring at the screen and typing off

"Did I do something?" Kongpob asked, kneeling down beside the others chair

"What? Your show's done and so you remember me?" Arthit asked back, scoffing right after

Kongpob pouted, until it clicked his mind and he suddenly grinned, with a slight impression of a smirk

"What?" Arthit asked, confused at the changed of expressions

"You are jealous, aren't you?" Kongpob asked

Arthit's face heated up, he shrugged his shoulder, looking everywhere but at the other before shaking his head

"Ridiculous" arthit mumbled

Kongpob only grinned wider, holding Arthit's hand, he made space for himself and hopped onto the others lap, and arthit was already ready to give in

"Oon, you know that you are number one for me, right?" Kongpob asked, leaning onto the other's shoulder

Arthit scoffed but nonetheless wrapped his arms around the other, unconsciously pulling him even closer which made kongpob smile wider

Kongpob turned his face to nuzzle in arthit's neck, kissing it softly every next second and inhaling the other's scent soothingly

"Stop" arthit mumbled, not wanting to give up

Kongpob only giggled in response, before peppering the other's cheek with kisses, reaching up to his nose and pressing numerous kisses

Arthit stared down at him and only in a matter of seconds broke into a smile, he couldn't possibly hold it back anymore and so he pulled the other in for a kiss

The kiss was rather messy with arthit trying to pull kongpob as close as possible, who only grinned receiving a groan from arthit for not being able to kiss him properly

Once they were out of breath, arthit pulled apart and rested his forehead against Kongpob's and smiled softly, with relief

"See? I'm all yours at the end of the day" kongpob assured

"You are all mine at all times of the day, baby" arthit replied

I purple you 💜

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