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Arthit sat by the lake, throwing off pebbles as he watched them splash and the water make the pleasant sound which calmed his ears but not his burning heart

He was in the middle of a heart break, he knew it would be any second that his heart would split into two, that was how hurt he was

Kongpob, his closest friend was leaving and he could do absolutely nothing to stop him, he wasn't leaving the town or something, he was just leaving with someone else

Arthit would never be able to call the other his anymore, he would not be able to hang out with him all day or stick around or randomly appear at his front door any hour of the day

Why was he going to miss it so much? Was it because they were closest of friends? Would he be lonely without it? It was all of those, but most of all, it was because he loved him, he loved his best friend

Arthit cursed under his breath when he heard hurried footsteps approaching him, he wanted to be left alone and nobody was going to convince him for any work today, it was his day off

"I told you I.. " arthit's voice trailed off when he faced the invader

There he stood, kongpob, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath, standing with his hands over his knees, holding back his smile

"I thought you were going to come in tomorrow?" Arthit assumed, walking towards arthit

"This couldn't wait till tomorrow" kongpob replied, smiling cutely

"What is it?" Arthit asked, chuckling right after

"I..I like you" kongpob blurted out

Arthit's eyes fluttered close for a second before he tilted his head to one side, making sure he heard the right thing

Kongpob walked forwards, closer to him before taking the other's hand in his, smiling up at him

"I mean it, I am in love with you Arthit" kongpob said, breaking into a grin

Arthit stared back at him, not sure of how to reply, he needed a few seconds to take it in and make sure his heart doesn't burst with pure happiness

"Kong, I.. " arthit's voice trailled off

Kongpob looked up at him with eager eyes, he was so in love and wanted an answer, a positive one was what he wished for

"I love you too, for a while now" arthit replied, holding Kongpob's hand firmly

Kongpob grinned wider before pulling the other in for a hug, arthit hugged him back, chuckling as kongpob giggled, he was loving it and so was arthit

"So, we are dating now?" Arthit asked, staring down at the ground shyly

"Yes we are, but secretly" kongpob replied

"Secretly?" Arthit asked confused

Kongpob nodded, biting his lower lip in nervousness, he didn't want to hurt arthit, but he also didn't want to make it public immediately, he was scared it would ruin it all

"But why? Do you have second thoughts?" Arthit asked, pouting ever so cutely

Kongpob unconsciously tilted his head to one side, admiring his boyfriend, he was too good to be real

"That's not the case arthit, I just want to take it at our speed you know..." Kongpob's voice trailled off as he played with buttons of arthit's shirt

Arthit smiled at him, like the simp he was, he was happy to be calling Kongpob his, that was enough for him at once and he didn't mind the other's request

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