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"Arthit, we will never work out and we both know it" Kongpob stated, his cold hard eyes boring holes in Arthit's face

"What do you mean we won't work out? All we have is love, Kong" Arthit replied, his voice desperate as he tried to grab onto Kongpob's hand

Kongpob yanked his hand away, his fist around the handle of his suitcase tightening and Arthit's eyes widened in panic and fear of losing him

"I promise I will improve! I will do anything to become someone who deserves you" Arthit begged, falling onto his knees, gripping the end of the other's jeans

Kongpob pulled his leg away, glaring down at Arthit with no love or adoration that he once held, his eyes filled with nothing but hatred, disgust for the man on his knees

"I gave you a hundred chances Arthit, you are not the one I fell in love with" Kongpob replied, scoffing

Arthit held his head hung low, his hands turning into fists on his knees and his body visibly shivering in fury, kongpob took a step back instinctively

Arthit let out a deep chuckle, sending shivers down the other's spine, he clicked his tongue before slowly looking up at him, an unknown look in his eyes

"You take a step back when you see me angry? You think you are going to survive in that world outside? All alone, without me!" Arthit yelled at the top of his lungs, abruptly standing up

Kongpob flinched and his car keys dropped from his hand, falling onto the floor with the loud jingling, Arthit pocketed his hands and took three steps back

"Go on, leave, go to wherever you'd like, I'm giving you a solo vacation, aren't I the best boyfriend?" Arthit asked, grinning as he shrugged his shoulders

"I'm. Never. Coming. Back" kongpob replied, focussung on each word as he glared at the other, fear hidden deep inside

"That's not for you to decide, baby" Arthit replied, his smile never falling or even fading

Kongpob's fingers shivered at the calmness in the other's tone, he bent down to grab his car keys and immediately turned away, wanting to leave when he heard Arthit take in a deep breath

"I will find you, wherever you try to hide, because it's only me that gets to have you, I'm your cursed fairytale" Arthit chuckled

How do you all like it? This is something I have never tried before and so I needed some honest opinions first! If you like it enough for me to start working on it as an individual book, please let me know 🤍🤍

I purple you 💜

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