I love you

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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"It was a lovely day honestly" kongpob said, scrolling through the pictures he took today on his phone

Arthit hummed in response, crawling under the sheets, as he snuggled on his pillow, feeling at peace after the busy day

The couple celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary today with all of their friends and family, and thus the whole day was a busy one but it also an amazing one

"Mom and dad complimented us way too much today" kongpob said, smiling at the pictures

"Your mom is just as cheesy as you" arthit chuckled

"Where did you think I got my cheesiness from?" Kongpob asked giggling

Arthit softly nodded against the pillow, his eyes closed and a faint smile visible on his face, he was so ready to fall asleep the next second

"Don't you think I love you more than you love me?" Kongpob suddenly asked

"Huh?" Arthit asked confused, his eyes opening in a flash

"I mean look at the pictures we took, my eyes are fixed on you in each of them while you find the camera more beautiful" kongpob replied, a small pout visible on his face

"That's not true, we are meant to look at the camera while a photo is being took, isn't that how it works?" Arthit asked, sitting up straight

"I find you more beautiful in any way" kongpob replied, shrugging his shoulders cutely

Arthit's eyebrows furrowed, the thought wasn't pleasing, he surely loved kongpob as much as kongpob loved him, not less in any case

"Don't you remember? Even your mum said that she thinks I care more for you than you do for me" Kongpob said, raising an eyebrow at him

"Kongpob surely loves arthit more than arthit loves him, it's visible" loona chuckled

"Have you seen how whipped Kong is? He would actually sell his soul for arthit if needed" suruchi replied

Arthit suddenly felt weird, there was a tingling feeling inside his body, it felt like nervousness, but it was more than that, it felt like insecurity, but that wasn't the very perfect word, arthit simply just felt guilty

Was it true? It seems to be way too obvious, does arthit not love kongpob enough? Or does he just lack in expressing it? Doesn't Kongpob feel burdened? Was arthit not making him happy enough?

The thoughts weren't appropriate for the night of their ninth wedding anniversary, but arthit just couldn't shrug them off as they slowly settled in his mind, deeper and deeper

And before arthit could ask Kongpob about any of his questions, the latter yawned, scratching his arms, as he put his phone away

"It's quite late, it will be better to sleep, I wouldn't want us to be late to work" Kongpob said, arranging his pillow and blanket

Leaning closer to arthit, he placed a long kiss on his cheek, grinning before he mumbled a small I love you

Getting under the covers, kongpob turned his back to arthit and immediately fell in a deep slumber

It was three in the night, kongpob was sleeping soundly while arthit was wide awake, his mind running at the speed of a horse

Questions arising in his mind one by one, making his guilt heavier, as he tried to find a reason for each one, but failed rather miserably

He really didn't love Kongpob enough was the conclusion he came up with, turning to face Kongpob's back, arthit felt his heart getting heavier as he found his emotional, soft side coming out

His fingers slowly travelled to Kongpob's hair, as he caressed them ever so softly, playing with his soft, shiny black locks, kissing the top of his head he mumbled

"I love your hair, playing with your is like my perfect therapy"

And as if melting in arthit's soft touch even in his sleep, kongpob turned to face the other, his eyes still closed and breathing peaceful

Arthit's fingers travelled to his forehead as he leaned in and pecked it softly before mumbling

"I love your forehead, and I love kissing it at any moment possible"

Next, he softly pecked his nose which the younger scrunched up even in his sleep making arthit giggle softly as he mumbled

"I love your nose, the little bunny scrunch you give, makes my heart flutter"

Next he placed multiple pecks on the other's lips and giggled when the younger one scrunched up his whole face, as he mumbled yet again

"I love your lips, they make me feel at home and be at peace every time I kiss them"

Smiling at the other adoringly, Arthit's fingers went back to his hair, playing with the soft locks like he always does

"And at the end, I love you, more than anything else in this world, more than love itself, I love you more than any other power in this world and I can promise you with my life that nothing is going to change my words and feelings towards you, no matter the amount of time that passes, I will always love you the same" arthit confessed in a low voice, his cheeks had turned a bright red and so did his ears

"I know, I love you too oon, more than any other relation in this world, I value the most" Kongpob replied taking arthit off guard

"You were awake?" Arthit asked confused, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red

"All along, j enjoyed the kisses by the way" Kongpob replied with a wink, giggling right after

Arthit looked away, his face stuffed in his hands in shyness as kongpob laughed out loud making arthit smile in his hands before Kongpob pulled them away

Wrapping Arthit's arms around himself, kongpob lay in between the other's legs, placing his head on his chest, playing with her fingers like a kid

"You know, I never doubted your love for me" Kongpob said

"I..I just wanted to make you feel loved, to show you that I do love you as much you love me" arthit replied, sniffing Kongpob's scent

"I know you do, it was just a harmless teasing which you took to heart oon" Kongpob giggled

"Kong" arthit called

Kongpob hummed in response

"I love you" arthit mumbled

"I love you too oon" Kongpob replied with a wide smile

"Kongy" arthit called again

"Hmm?" Kongpob asked

"I love you" arthit replied

"I love you too oon" Kongpob said, biting his lower lip to prevent himself from grinning any further

"Kongpob Rojanapat" arthit called

Kongpob nodded in acknowledgment

"I *peck* love *peck* you *peck*" arthit replied

Kongpob giggled louder at the ticklish feeling and Arthit's heart fluttered, both the males spent the night confessing their love to each other, with mainly arthit proving that he loved kongpob just as much as the junior loved him

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I purple you 💜

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