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This story is on the special request of ChiuChiu_00

"Oon, you don't have to be so nervous" Kongpob whispered, placing a soft kiss on Arthit's hand

"How should I not be nervous? You have no idea as to what their reaction might be" Arthit replied, glancing at the house for a brief second

"They are my parents, I know them better than anyone, I'm sure they will understand us and love us" Kongpob assured, smiling comfortingly

Arthit smiled back with his dimples on display and Kongpob being his dramatic self, placed his hands on top of his chest making Arthit chuckle at his silliness

"Let's not delay any more" Arthit chuckled, getting off the car

Kongpob followed, leading the way upto the main door as he rung the bell while Arthit stood beside him, his hands just a little sweaty

The door was pulled open by Suruchi, Kongpob's mother who engulfed both the boys in a warm, motherly hug before letting them in

"Honey, the kids are here!" Suruchi yelled from the hall

Kerkarai, Kongpob's father walked out of his study, smiling at the males before he too, pulled them into a short hug before they took their seats

"You wanted to tell us something?" Suruchi asked, smiling at Arthit

Arthit nodded before glancing at Kongpob who let out a sigh, holding Arthit's hand he intertwined their fingers softly

Suruchi and Kerkarai noticed their hands, holding back their smiles they turned civil before looking up at thr boys with well practiced confusion reflecting on their face

"Mom, dad actually P'Arthit and I are dating..." kongpob informed

"For a while now.." Arthit continued

Kongpob's grip on Arthit's hand tightened as they saw Suruchi and Kerkarai share a look between themselves before speaking up

"And?" Suruchi asked

Kongpob's eyebrows crashed together in confusion and Arthit stared at the elderly couple blankly

"What do you.." Kongpob was cut by Kerkarai suddenly chuckling

"Oh I'm sorry, did we not tell you how obvious you both are?" Kerkarai asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly

Arthit's eyes widened before his ears turned red and Kongpob let out a surprise Huff making his mother laugh

"You boys really thought we didn't know?" Suruchi asked, shaking her head

"You both weren't obvious" Arthit complained

"We are more than happy to know that you both have chosen each other, I don't think Kongpob could ever find anyone better than you, Arthit" Suruchi replied, smiling softly

"Yeah, and we completely support you in any decision you both take now or will take in the future, we are always there" kerkarai informed, leaning back onto the couch

Kongpob looked at Arthit who was smiling with his eyes slightly glistened

"I love you.." kongpob whispered, kissing Arthit's cheek

"I love them.." Arthit replied

Suruchi and kerkarai chuckled while Kongpob pouted

"Me?" Kongpob asked offended

"Yea you too, but I love them" Arthit repeated

Suruchi pulled Arthit to sit beside her as Kerkarai patted his back while Kongpob sulked, secretly loving how Arthit bonded with his family

I purple you 💜

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