Long time

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"Oon, where are you? It's been like an hour since you last updated me with your location" Kongpob whined, an adorable pout lingering on his lips

"Honey, I'm in the bus, just thirty minutes away, you know there is just one bus coming to the city from our town, it's obviously going to take a while" Arthit explained, his heart blooming at the thought of meeting his husband

"Mr logic, can't you just entertain my clingy and annoying side for a while? I know how long it takes, I just want to whine and pout" Kongpob replied, huffing out loud making Arthit chuckle on the other side of the call

"Go on then, I'm all ears my love" Arthit replied and Kongpob began ranting about how arthit should tell the driver to fasten up his speed

Arthit and Kongpob had been staying away for two months now, Arthit's mother was severely sick with nobody to look after her, she was denied the permission to travel and as a result Arthit couldn't bring her home

Arthit was more than just worried, leaving her to a few servants care didn't seem like a very good option to him and so he just decided to spend a few days at her place, until she gets all better, which unfortunately took a damn while

Kongpob was equally worried for her and called her three times a day, like a medication course, asking her if she was alright and if Arthit was enough, or Kongpob should come over too, but Arthit seemed to be taking rather good care of her

Kongpob was nonetheless tired and missed Arthit a lot more than he had expected he would, sleeping without the other's warmth was a nightmare and coming back home from work with no lights switched on was straight depressing

"Okay, I'm getting off the bus, I will be home in ten minutes, now" Arthit informed, the excitement dripping from his voice

Kongpob squealed as he hung up, running towards the main door he flung it open, deciding to wait there as Arthit took his time to arrive, he was getting more and more impatient as time passed

Around what seemed like fifteen minutes later, Kongpob finally saw him, Arthit walking towards the house with his bag in his hand and the widest of grins on his face and Kongpob laughed heartily

Arthit's speed fastened as he got closer, leaving his bag aside he pulled Kongpob into his embrace, lifting him off the ground as he spun him around and Kongpob only laughed harder

"Oh my god, until this moment, I didn't know how much I missed you" Arthit whispered, the other still held close to him

"I knew how much I missed you the second you left, you've got me addicted to you, Oon" Kongpob chuckled, nuzzling deeper into the other's chest

Arthit chuckled, placing multiple kisses on the others head who only giggled in response, making both of their hearts bloom with pure happiness

Arthit and Kongpob walked in, Kongpob pulled arthit towards the kitchen and served him the lunch he had prepared and while arthit ate his food, Kongpob went on and on about what all Arthit had missed while he was away

"And then she was like..."

"Baby?" Arthit called, followed by a soft yawn

"Yea?" Kongpob asked back, immediately turning all his attention to his husband

"Can we take a nap? I urgently need your cuddles" Arthit replied, with a playful wink right after

Kongpob squinted his eyes at his flirting but nodded nonetheless, he surely was very cuddle deprived himself

The couple made their way upstairs and as soon as they hit the bed, they naturally found themselves moulding into other other's embrace ever so perfectly

"Heaven.." Arthit whispered

"That's you" kongpob mumbled

"Cheesy, I love it though" Arthit chuckled

"And I love you" kongpob confessed, placing a kiss on his neck

"And I love you" Arthit replied, pulling him closer into himself

It's been a long time since we meet too, hasn't it??

I purple you 💜

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