Magical kisses

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This story is on the special request of lazylioness555

Kongpob is 4 years old while Arthit is 6

Arthit was hoping in the playground, his eyes were fixed on the swing he was heading to, his focus on the ground was less than non existing

Kongpob on the other hand was running behind the elder one, wanting to aware him of his presence and maybe play with him as well

"Art!" Kongpob yelled out loud

Arthit turned around rather immediately as he grinned at the younger one, until thump!

Arthit had fallen down, his knee had hit a rock and it had scratched, a few drops of blood appeared on it as Arthit's lips wobbled

Kongpob's eyed has widened too, like the caring mother hen he was, he hurried towards arthit, crouching down beside him

"P'Art, how did you get hur'?" Kongpob softly asked

Arthit had already started crying by then, the wound burnt way too much and all he wanted was a medicine magic

"Don't cry!" Kongpob said quickly

Kongpob's didn't want to see his strong p'arthit crying just because of a little wound and so he thought of any idea that could ease the pain

Ting! He had an idea rather quickly, smiling at himself and his idea, kongpob took arthit's hand in his tiny ones

Arthit's attention shifted to kongpob at the sudden contact as he stopped crying for a minute, trying to understand what the other wanted to do

Kongpob slowly leaned forward and placed a small kiss on Arthit's knee making arthit's eyebrows furrow in confusion

"Mummma always does this, it makes the pain shoo!" Kongpob explained with the perfect hand gestures

"It still hurts" arthit mumbled

Now it was Kongpob's turn to be confused, why did it still hurt? His mother's kiss always seemed to make the pain go away

Ting! Another idea had popped up in Kongpob's mind, maybe the kiss didn't work because it wasn't from his mother, maybe her kiss had a magic in it, possible right?

"Art, let's go to my home" Kongpob suggested quickly

"I can't walk" arthit replied, his eyes glossy

"I will help you" Kongpob said, as he held out his hand for arthit

"Mumma!" Kongpob yelled as he helped arthit sit on the couch

Kongpob ran further inside, towards the kitchen only to find his mother cooking

"Mumma! Art is hurt!" Kongpob yelled

"Arthit is hurt?" Suruchi asked confused

Kongpob furiously nodded as he pulled his mother towards arthit by her dress

"Oon, how did you get hurt my son?" Suruchi asked caressing his hair who only sobbed

"Mom, give him magical kisses" kongpob advised, his lips in a pout, indicating a kiss

Suruchi chuckled at his advice, ruffling his hair softly she grabbed the first aid box which was placed in the drawer beside the couch

Pulling out a cotton piece and the liquid dettol, suruchi began treating arthit's wounds and finished it up with a superman band aid making the other smile

"It's all good now" suruchi said

"Won't he need kisses?" Kongpob asked confused

"Not every hurt needs kisses, but good try my baby" suruchi replied before walking back to the kitchen

Kongpob nodded at her words, his lips forming an oh as he heard arthit giggle

"Kisses aren't medicines kongy" arthit informed

"But they cure me" kongpob reasoned out

"Because you are a baby" arthit chuckled

"So are you" Kongpob huffed out angrily making arthit laugh harder

"I will drop arthit in a while, they aren't ready to be separated right now" suruchi chuckled

"It's alright, I will let him stay if he wishes too, a night's peace won't hurt me" loona replied

"Wicked mother" suruchi teased

"Obviously I would miss my baby but the peace would be something new" loona chuckled

"Oon! Can you read a story?" Kongpob asked with the best puppy eyes he could master

"If you promise to sleep after this, I have already read you three stories kongy" arthit replied

Kongpob giggled mischievously

Arthit smiled at him before throwing the blanket over kongpob and himself as they snuggled inside the covers, Kongpob was hidden up till neck while arthit had his hands out to read the story book

Suruchi glanced at the clock, it was nine in the night, it was about time to drop arthit home and so she climbed upstairs to Kongpob's room

Pushing the door open she peeked in but the sight in front of her made her feel all giddy

There they were, both the boys sleeping all over each other, the book had fallen over arthit's legs as they looked in a deep slumber

"Cuties" suruchi mumbled

Walking towards them, she put the book away and spread the blanket over them completely and also adjusted them in a comfortable position

Kissing the top of both the boy's heads she walked outside the room, deciding to inform loona that arthit would be staying over

Kongpob slightly shifted in his sleep as he placed his leg over Arthit's, and his hand around Arthit's neck who didn't move even a bit at the sudden contact 

Kongpob was completely snuggled up in arthit and arthit was completely snuggled up in kongpob, enjoying each other's warmth, the little boys had fallen asleep

I purple you 💜

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