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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

"Come in" arthit yelled while his eyes never left the file in his hands

A few seconds later, the loud tapping of the heel echoed in the cabin, arthit looked up from his papers to find his secretary smiling at him ever so pleasantly

"Did something very joyful happen?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow

"Might happen soon, sir" she replied, placing the cup of coffee she held on arthit's table

Arthit eyed her up and down suspiciously, arthit never really liked her, nor did he like her intentions, all he liked her for, was her work, she was perfect in what she did

Her perfect working skill was one of the only reasons arthit didn't fire her in the first week itself, her intelligence being the other

"Have a good day ahead, sir" she mumbled before making her way outside the cabin

Arthit sighed tiredly, caressing his temple he wondered what she was up to, when he heard his phone ring loud and clear

"Hello" arthit mumbled

"Are you tired?" A honey like voice questioned with genuine concern

Arthit's shoulders immediately relaxed, his eyes softened and so did his voice

"Kongy..." He mumbled

"My baby sounds tired" kongpob replied, chuckling at the other's babyish voice

"I wanna be back home already" arthit said

"I know baby, I want you back home very soon too, but you gotta completion the file you are working on, you have an important meeting related to it the next week" kongpob explained softly

"I know.." Arthit whispered, sipping his coffee every now and then

"Do you want me to come over and help you out a bit?" Kongpob suggested

"Nah, it's alright, you should just stay at home and prepare me a nice bubble bath, I will be back soon, also get me pink milk, I'm tired of this coffee" arthit replied, scrunching up his nose in disgust

Kongpob chuckled, he loved this side of arthit and the fact that it was only shown to him made it even more special that it already was

Arthit felt weird, the air conditioner in his cabin was at the lowest temperature and he still felt as if he was on fire

His head felt heavy, his eyes were getting droopy and all he wanted was to crash down on the bed and sleep for years if possible

It was almost time for him to go back home but the state he was in didn't really allow the idea, and so he remained seated where he was until he heard a knock on his door

"In.." He slurped

The tapping of the heel was heard again and arthit glanced up at his grinning secretary batting her eyelashes

"Looks like it worked" she mumbled

Arthit tried to sit up straight but he lost his balance every now and then

"Mina," Arthit managed to mumble

"Oh no sir, we have other plans" Mina replied as she threw arthit's arm over her shoulder, dragging him towards a second door in his cabin

The door led to a private little room inside arthit's cabin, all it had was a bed in it's centre for the times when arthit felt extremely tired

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