Fell for you

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This is the prequel of my story "fell for him" on the special request of rmkimnamjoon2712

Kongpob stared at Arthit through a distance, as he stood there by the pillar with his eyes fixed on the mobile screen in his hands

Arthit was Kongpob's forever kinda crush, though he never talked to him as the other was a loner type, he didn't like people and obviously disliked talking more than necessary

However Kongpob had decided to approach him today, inhaling a steady breath and feeling confident, he walked over to the other who looked at him questioningly

"Hey.." kongpob mumbled

"You are?" Arthit asked

"Kongpob" kongpob replied

"And what do you need?" Arthit asked

"I just wanted to confess som.." kongpob was cut by arthit

"Oh please don't be in love with me, find something better to do with your life, kid" Arthit replied

"Kid?" Kongpob asked surprised

"You prefer, uncle?" Arthit asked back, passing him a tight smile before walked away

Kongpob's lips turned into a small pout and his hands fell to his side as he stared at Arthit's retreating back, rejection was rather painful but a confession taken as a mere joke and being called a kid, was a knife stabbed in the stomach

Kongpob stormed off to his best friend in the sulkiest mood and Aim only pulled him closer with a side hug, listening attentively, everything he blabbered

"It's alright Kong, maybe he isn't right for you, and so it didn't work" Aim suggested, shrugging off his shoulders

"No! I want him to be the right one for me" Kongpob argued

"Stubborn now, aren't we?" Aim asked, shaking his head disbelievingly

Kongpob crossed his arms against his chest, feeling angry and dejected at the same time, what if Aim was right?"

It had been several days since Kongpob had unsuccessfully confessed to Arthit and the two had been running into each other almost everywhere, malls, restraunts, corridors and even grocery shops

Kongpob picked up his cup of coffee as he began walking out the cafeteria, his eyes wandered all over and rested on a rather beautiful face, there he was, Arthit, yet again in the exact same coffee shop as Kongpob

Kongpob realised he must have stared a minute longer when he bumped into a stranger, spilling all his coffee omto the other's jacket, which by the way looked brand new

"I'm sor.." kongpob was cut mid sentence by a slight push

"Are you fucking blind?" The other man yelled out

"I said I am sorry, it was a mi..." And Kongpob was cut yet again

"A bloody sorry would fix it? Do you have any idea how expensive this is? You can't afford to buy even a single button of this jacket, and here you ruined it, you asshol..."

"Stop over reacting dude, I bought that thing for like 30 bucks last week" Arthit's voice made the other halt in place

Kongpob glanced at Arthit and his cheeks immediately heated up, though he was not sure if it was due to him feeling shy or embarrassed

"Who..who are you?" The guy asked, trying his best to look confident

"Someone who knows him" Arthit replied, shrugging off his shoulders casually

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