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The boy he met was the definition of perfection, his milky white skin shining like marbles, his ebony black eyes and shiny, silky hair, he looked nothing but perfect, dreamy and bookish

Kongpob smiled at the description of the main lead of the story, holding the book rather firmly, he found himself getting lost in the novel in his hands

He smiled at him, unintentionally  showing off his dimples, the adorable little ones on both his cheeks, merely added to his incomparable beauty

The image was quite clear in Kongpob's mind, although he had never met a man resembling any of these features before and nor did he ever expect so, it wasn't possible

Was looking so beautiful, just like the book characters humanly possible?

Shrugging off his thoughts, Kongpob's eyes travelled back to the slightly yellowish pages as his eyes roamed all over to find the exact line he had left on

A cup of what seemed like strawberry milk was firmly held in his grip, which he sipped every now and then, his eyes sparkled each time he took a sip, as if every gulp tasted different and better

"Looks like you really love this one" he mumbled, biting his inner cheek, feeling rather nervous

"Oh yes, it's delicious, I'm called the pink milk monster by my friends because of this" the other boy chuckled

The sound of his laugh was a melody, the one you could hear all day long without regretting it for even a second, how his entire body shook in happiness and how his smile first began from his eyes was worth capturing

"What's your name though?" He asked curiously

"Sun" he replied

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