Let go of you

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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"Fiat, aren't you going to listen to me?" Arthit yelled

"You scold me all the time, I won't listen to you!" Fiat yelled back

"Listen here you little brat, I have tons of work to do, so you better sit quietly and finish your breakfast before he arrives" arthit warned, glaring at the other

Fiat's lips quivered as his eyes turned glossy, but before he could start crying, someone's presence immediately brightened up his mood

"Kongy!" Fiat yelled grinning right behind arthit

Arthit's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he turned around to find the cause of the sudden excitement and it didn't take him long to understand

There he stood, kongpob, his best friend at the door, smiling as he waved at fiat ever so cutely

"Hey Kong, why don't you come in?" Arthit asked, as he motioned kongpob to come inside

Kongpob nodded before he walked further in and not even a second later, a jumping fiat clinged onto him like a koala

"Hello little one, how are you doing?" Kongpob asked chuckling

"Not well" fiat pouted

"And why is that?" Kongpob asked, pouting himself

"This man scolded me" fiat informed pointing right at arthit

Arthit stared at him in disbelief, pointing a finger to himself he raised an eyebrow in surprise

"This man? This man? Is this what I get for being your father?" Arthit asked, his pitch never getting lower

Fiat only stuck out his tongue in response, hiding in Kongpob's arms the very next second

"Don't yell at him arthit, you know he doesn't like being yelled at" kongpob said, patting Fiat's back softly

"Then shouldn't he at least listen to me?" Arthit asked, his hand on his waist

"He will, why don't you try talking softly?" Kongpob asked back

"I did!" Arthit replied

Kongpob shook his head, before he pulled fiat a little away, in order to be able to see his face

"Now little bean, let's go have our breakfast, daddy needs to go to work, let's not annoy him any further, hmm?" Kongpob asked with a smile

Fiat immediately nodded, jumping off Kongpob's hold, he ran towards the dining table and started having his breakfast like an obedient kid

Kongpob stared at arthit with a "that's how easy it is" look while arthit witnessed the whole situation with utter surprise

"I will take care of him, so why don't you go to work now?" Kongpob asked

"There is another problem" arthit replied

"And that is?" Kongpob asked confused

Arthit grabbed his tie placed on the dining table as he nervously smiled at the other who giggled at his cute request

Moving forward, kongpob took the tie in his hands before proceeding to help arthit with tying it properly

"I could never do this one thing in my morning routine, Jennie always had to t..." Arthit's voice trailed off

Kongpob's hands halted too, as he glanced up at arthit who immediately looked away, taking in a shaky breath, Kongpob tried his best to maintain his smile

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