Forever kinda love

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This is the continuation of my story "phase" on the special request of ForeverTornWithTears

"Honey, please don't try to walk any faster" Arthit suggested, his heart on his sleeve due to how worried he was about his boyfriend

"I can walk just fine!" Kongpob yelled, fastening his speed only making Arthit suck in deep breaths

"I know that honey, I know, you can slow down now, please!" Arthit called, reaching out to get a hold of Kongpob's arms

Kongpob tried to yank his hand away and walk faster, until he lost the feeling in his left leg and fell right onto the floor making Arthit hurry towards him

"I told you to slow down, didn't I? You can't walk that fast yet, why don't you understand your legs aren't working properly? Are you a kid? Why are you so stubborn about it?!" Arthit yelled, his eyes filled up with anger as he lifted Kongpob up in his arms

Kongpob repeatedly hit Arthit on his chest, tears rolling down his cheek, all the way to his neck, slowly wetting the collar of his t shirt

Arthit quietly carried him up to their bedroom, laying him on the bed before folding up the other's trouser on his left leg, massaging the leg softly, hoping to bring back life in it

"It will be fine, your nerves just feel numb sometimes, the doctor said it's getting better" Arthit stated, massaging his feet softly

Kongpob only cried harder, stuffing his face in the pillow as Arthit shut his eyes close, trying to ignore the other's cries to focus on his leg instead

"Does it feel better now?" Arthit asked, hopefully

Kongpob simply and wordlessly nodded and Arthit let out a sigh of relief before slowly crawling up towards Kongpob and pulling him in his embrace

"You yelled at me, I'm a burden to you too, aren't I?" Kongpob asked, sobbing into the other's neck

"No honey, I.. I'm so sorry for yelling at you my baby, you could never be a burden to me pretty one, I am just so damn worried about you all the time, I don't want you to even break a nail of yours, that is how precious you are to me, baby" Arthit whispered, kissing his head repeatedly

" friends were talking about how I'm just a liability now, you will want to get rid o..of soon" kongpob mumbled, breaking down yet again

"They are idiots, they don't know a thing now, do they? Shut your ears when you are with them and I will make sure that they shut their mouths" Arthit replied, his hands turning into fists as he pulled Kongpob closer

"So, I.. I'm not a burden? You will always stay with me?" Kongpob asked, looking up at his boyfriend

Arthit leaned down to capture the other's lips between his own, their lips moulding in perfectly like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and it felt warm

"Always, pretty" Arthit whispered

Kongpob snuggled deeper into Arthit's neck, sniffing in his calming scent and the other kissed the top of his head

"So, has he improved?" Arthit asked, his hand holding that of Kongpob's who sat beside him

The doctor put on his glasses and read the report for a second or so before he glanced at the couple in front of him

"He is improving at a good pace, I assume the symptoms are very less now?" The doctor asked

Arthit nodded with a soft smile and Kongpob grinned

"He is only going to get better, so you don't have to worry at all" The doctor informed

The couple thanked the doctor about a thousand times before exiting the room

"I'm all great now! Aren't I?" Kongpob asked jumping up and down

"Yes, my bunny" Arthit chuckled, ruffling his hair softly

I purple you 💜

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