Lucky me!

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This story is on the special request of sukhi-peraya

"Is he awake?" Arthit asked, peeking inside the room

"Yea, and he seems to be just fine although I am not sure if the anaesthesia has washed off" Loona replied, shrugging her shoulders cluelessly

Arthit nodded at her before slowly pushing the door open and walking in with the sweetest of smiles

Kongpob lay on the bed, covered with a duvet up till his mid chest, his lips I'm a cure little pout as he turned his head to face Arthit at the creaking of the door

Arthit smiled at him, taking a seat on the bed beside him while Kongpob cocked up an eyebrow at him in curiosity

"You are?" Kongpob asked softly

"I'm Arthit, kong.." arthit replied, his smile fading just a little

Kongpob stared at him blankly for a minute before breaking into a sleepy smile

"You are gorgeous.." kongpob mumbled

"Huh?" Arthit chuckled

"Your voice is pretty too, are you an angel? Am I in heaven?" Kongpob asked, staring up at Arthit, rather serious

Arthit bit the inside of his cheek before he shook his head and the other pouted in utter confusion

"But you are an angel.." kongpob whispered

"What makes you think that?" Arthit asked

"Humans aren't this beautiful, they are like me, but you are gorgeous!" Kongpob replied

"Don't say that, you are more than just beautiful honey" arthit commented, tilting his head to one side

Kongpob blushed a dark red, his head tilting to one side as well

"The angel is calling me honey...and the angel thinks I'm beautiful" kongpob repeated thoughtfully

Arthit chuckled softly, admiring his lover as he kept on blabbering how the angel adored him

Kongpob had undergone an operation for appendicitis, it isn't a major surgery but at the end of the day, the word surgery was huge and kept Arthit on the edge

Arthit's eyes never left his husband's face, he just couldn't get enough of it and neither did he ever want to, and so he kept staring and staring

Kongpob stopped blabbering and glanced at Arthit before he lifted up his finger to touch the other's forehead who smiled wider at his antics

"Your forehead, it's perfect, it's not even something to adore and yet it's so perfect..." kongpob murmured

Kongpob's finger slid down to stop at Arthits nose, he examined it for a second or two before getting up just a little to kiss it slightly

"Perfect, all perfect, such a cute nose you own.."

His finger slid further down to his lips, rubbing at the lower lip softly before kongpob licked his own making Arthit giggle

"Your lips look so kissable, but obviously you won't ki..." kongpob was cut by Arthit leaning down

Arthit quickly took the other's lips in between his as Kongpob's eyes widened and Arthit smiled in between the kiss, loving the appreciation his husband gave him

Once Arthit pulled back he broke into fits of laughter noticing Kongpob's reaction, his eyes and mouth open wide with shock

"You just kissed me..." kongpob whispered

"Honey, you want to know something that will make you happier?" Arthit asked

"There is nothing that can make me happier than this" kongpob grinned dreamily

"We are married, for three years now" Arthit stated

"Stop! You married me? I'm your husband? Oh my god, I'm the luckiest man alive!" Kongpob yelled excitedly

"Baby, don't yell, you are sick" Arthit chuckled, kissing Kongpob's cheeks softly

"You aren't messing with me, right?" Kongpob asked, squinting his eyes up at him

"Nah, I really am your husband and I really love you, so very much" Arthit replied

"Say that again" kongpob grinned

"I love you, baby" arthit mumbled

"God! Lucky me.."

I purple you 💜

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