What lovers do

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This story is inspired by a tale told to me by q_Lina hehe✌

"Isn't that too much?" Arthit asked surprised

"How is it too much? Hugging, kissing, cuddling, feeding each other, is that too much for lovers?" Kongpob asked back, even more surprised

"No I mean.." Arthit's voice trailed off

"It's just you who finds it too much, normal couples do more than just too much" kongpob scoffed before he walked away, towards the kitchen

Arthit's eyes followed the other's retreating back, was he perhaps angry?

The situation was something as follows, it was a pretty day, a sunny Sunday, both the boys were laid on the couches, with eyes glued to the television

The drama they were watching had a sudden romantic twist making arthit's eyes wander all over the room while kongpob watched it all intendedly, they were only cuddling after all, what's too extreme about it?

Kongpob noticed how arthit had tore his gaze off the television making him sigh tiredly

"This is normal oon, lovers do all of that" kongpob commented

"All of what?" Arthit asked

"Cuddling, kissing, hugging, feeding each other, playing around together, all of that" Kongpob replied shrugging his shoulders

Arthit's cheeks heated up, he surely was a reserved man, kongpob sighed at his actions before turning back to the television

Arthit was now worried if the junior was tired of his shy attitude, what if he decided to leave him?

The thought alone scared arthit to death, shaking his head immediately to his own self, he hurried to the kitchen only to find kongpob washing up the dishes

Taking big deal breaths, arthit tried to calm himself for what he was about do needed all of his courage, taking hesitant steps towards the other, arthit slowly wrapped his arms around the other's waist

Kongpob's hand halter in place, his eyes widened just slightly before he tried to understand what was happening, as he felt arthit place his chin on his shoulder, pouting ever so cutely

"Are you alright oon?" Kongpob softly asked, slowly resuming his work

"Yeah, just wanted to hug you maybe.." Arthit's voice trailed off

Kongpob chuckled softly, a smile adoring his lips just by the tiny action made arthit smile wide too

It was early evening, both the boys lay on the bed, with their mobiles in their hands, completely forgetting about the outside world, until something clicked in arthit

Hugging, kissing, feeding each other,

One box was checked, was it time for the second one?

Arthit slowly put his phone on the bed side table, before crawling towards kongpob who was way too busy in his phone to notice any of it

Arthit quietly lay himself on kongpob, feeling the other wrap his free hand around his waist, pulling him in closer while his eyes stayed fix on the phone

"What's with you and skinship today?" Kongpob asked softly

"Nothing" arthit mumbled

Arthit glanced up at him, feeling giddy all over his body before he quickly placed a kiss on the other's lips taking him by surprise

Kongpob turned to face him wide eyed this time

"You alright?" Kongpob asked

"Can I not just kiss you?" Arthit asked back, looking away

Kongpob grinned, putting his phone away, he flipped their positions with arthit under him, kissing him all over his face repeatedly

"Of course you can my love" kongpob replied making arthit smile

The boys had finished their dinner as they sat with their bowls of ice cream on the dining table, each enjoying with pure bliss

Arthit glanced at the other's bowl which was now empty as kongpob put it aside

"Finish up, I will clean these before going to bed" kongpob said

Arthit merely nodded before quickly taking a spoonful of ice cream and forwarding it to kongpob who by now was used to the sudden shocks

Letting out just a low chuckle, he quickly ate it up making arthit smile fondly

"Want me to feed you too?" Kongpob asked chuckling

Arthit shrugged his shoulders, his cheeks heating up as kongpob did what he said

"You have been affectionate today, haven't you?" Kongpob asked, stroking the other's hair

"Isn't that all what lovers do? You told me" arthit replied, hiding deeper in his neck

"You seem to be enjoying it though" kongpob teased

"Maybe..." Arthit's voice trailed off

"You know what else lovers do?" Kongpob asked raising an eyebrows

Arthit looked up at him with pure curiosity

"What?" Arthit asked

"Lovers do also shower together, wanna try?" Kongpob asked smirking

"Kongpob!" Arthit yelled, bright red as a tomato while kongpob broke into a laughter

I purple you 💜

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