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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"Arthit, why can't you just say it to my face if you don't love me?" Kongpob asked, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously

Arthit cleared his throat, looking around trying to find just one chance to run away

"I..I don't have to give you explanations" Arthit replied, looking away

"Oh come on, you can't hide it from me" kongpob grinned

Arthit bit his lower lip, before he stood up and walked away in a rather fast pace leaving a giggling Kongpob behind

Kongpob and Arthit have known each other for a while, Kongpob has loved Arthit for as long as he remembers and has been convincing ever since but Arthit seems to be ignoring him, for all he knew

Arthit never agreed that he didn't love him, but he never even reciprocated his love in any way, which sometimes lead to irritating the other

"Kongpob, how long will this Arthit phase continue?" Aim asked, resting his cheek on his palm

"Until the day he doesn't directly comes up to me, telling me that he doesn't love me" Kongpob replied, winking at him playfully

Arthit let out a sigh before shrugging off his shoulders, he never understood how the other seemed to have fallen in love that deeply with someone who never reciprocates it

"What if he just doesn't love you back? What about all this time you are wasting for him?" Aim asked

"It isn't wasting, even if he doesn't love me, I have never wasted this love, what if he doesn't? I have sincerely loved him" Kongpob replied, tilting his head to one side with his always dreamy eyes

"As you wish, Mr Romeo" Aim chuckled, flicking the other's forehead

Kongpob winced in pain, caressing his forehead before sticking out his tongue at the other like a mischievous little child

"Arthit, why do you always have to make me sad?" Kongpob asked, playing with the pen in his hand

"I'm not making you sad, what did I do?" Arthit asked back, his voice louder

"You never accept or show me any kind of affection, do you really not love me?" Kongpob asked, his voice getting quiter

"Kongpob, I really don't have time for this, I'm in the middle of an urgent meeting and the break is about to finish, let's talk later, hmm?" Arthit replied before he quickly hung up

Kongpob parted his lips to reply but the other had already cut the call making him throw his phone away as he let out a frustrated groan

He was tired of it, if Arthit didn't love him all he asked for was a clear answer, didn't he at least deserve that?

Kongpob glanced at the wall clock which struck eleven in the night, the office was nearly empty as everyone had left for home and Kongpob decided to leave as well

Picking up his files and belongings, he put everything in place before packing up his laptop as he proceeded towards the elevator, towards the ground floor

Once he was in his car, he dropped his mother a message informing her that he was leaving and would be home soon so that she would start preparing dinner for him

The evening was cold and the wind was peaceful, so Kongpob pulled the windows down and let the wind play with his hair ever so calmingly

He turned on the radio, humming along with the music as he drove on the empty road feeling relaxed and happy with no vehicle disturbances

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