His black locks

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This story is on the special request of lazylioness555

Arthit moved in his place, changing his position every minute, a sigh of him finally waking up from his beauty sleep

Letting out a muffled groan due to his face stuffed inside the pillow, arthit moved his hand around his right side, to search for something, someone in particular

Once his hands fell on a soft surface, a smile plastered on his face, as he turned around to face the other sleeping male, caressing his hair with pure satisfaction

Kongpob shifted in his place, not fully aware of what's happening but even in his half asleep condition he loved the feeling of arthit caressing his hair

His hair, arthit was in love with them, obsessed would be a better explanation, the shiny black hair, which were fluffy all the time, kongpob had grown them long, not too much, just the perfect size, one that arthit adored more than anything

Sitting up straight, arthit stretched his hands up high in the air, before leaning down and placing a kiss on Kongpob's hair who smiled at the feeling

"Aren't you going to kiss me too?" Kongpob mumbled in his morning voice

Arthit chuckled deeply, before placing a long kiss on the other's lips as well, earning a soft him of satisfaction from him

"I'm going to have a bath, make sure to get off the bed till I'm back" arthit informed, ruffling the other's hair

Kongpob sleepily nodded, his eyes not complained open yet as he watched arthit walk away with his half opened eyes

"What do you want for breakfast?" Arthit asked as he poured the milk in a glass

"A sandwich would be fine" kongpob replied, standing beside arthit

Arthit nodded, grabbing the packet of bread, he tore it open and decided to roast the bread, not before ruffling the other's hair who giggled

Once both of them had finished wiry their breakfast, arthit made a quick announcement which earned an annoyed sigh from Kongpob

"Let's watch the conjuring!"

"Not again, I have watched it for like ten times already, let's watch something new, please" Kongpob pleaded

Arthit shook his head rather sassily before he hurried towards the couch followed by an already bored kongpob

Half way into the movie, Kongpob had already fallen asleep, due to how boring he found the movie to be

Arthit's concentration wasn't on the movie either, his eyes were fixed on the other's hair and so were his hands, as he played through Kongpob's soft hair

Arthit loved these moments in the day, when he could just lay down with kongpob in his arms and do nothing other than plating with his hair

Arthit has always adored them, he loved how they were full of volume, the perfect length, the perfect thickness, it was just very adorable

"Oon, can you tie up my hair, it's too hot" kongpob mumbled

"With pleasure love" arthit grinned

This was his second favourite thing to do on a holiday, tie up Kongpob's hair, he just loved running his fingers through his soft strands

Quickly grabbing a comb and a plain black rubber band, arthit sat behind Kongpob who was still fast asleep

Placing the comb and rubber band beside him, arthit ran his fingers through the other's hair, untangling the tangles with his fingers ever so softly as he held them in a pony like shape

Combing the front, he ensured that the hair didn't look messy from nowhere before he grabbed the rubber band and tied up Kongpob's hair

"How more pretty can your hair be?" Arthit asked, smiling like the whipped man he was

"Not any more, they are already the prettiest" Kongpob chuckled, letting out a yawn

Arthit quickly grabbed his phone, opening the camera, he warned Kongpob to not move as he clicked a few pictures, smiling at each one of them

"Aren't yoi too obsessed?" Kongpob asked giggling

"Of course I'm, I just love your hair, way too much" arthit replied grinning

"And what about me?" Kongpob asked

"You? Yeah, I love you a little as well" arthit replied shrugging his shoulders

Kongpob huffed as he threw a pillow right on the other's face who burst into fits of laughter

Kongpob crawled towards the corner of the couch, as a pout formed on his lips while arthit pulled him on his lap the very next second, his laugh never halting

"I'm sorry my love, you know I love you too" arthit said kissing his hair

"You kissed the damn hair again!" Kongpob complained

Arthit shook his head before placing multiple pecks on the other's lips, one after the other making him grin

"Happy?" Arthit asked

"Very" kongpob replied smiling wide

I purple you 💜

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