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This story is on the special request of lazylioness555 sorry for the few changes I made

"Kong!" Arthit yelled from the living room as he straightened up his tie

Kongpob hurried down the stairs, tightening the buttons on his sleeve as he tried to fasten up his actions, not wanting to be late

"What took you so long?" Arthit asked, tilting his head to one side

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" kongpob replied, looking up at the other with a pout

Arthit slightly chuckled at thd others panicked reaction, he pulled the latter closet by his waist and pecked his lips, making him smile

"It's alright, love" arthit replied

Kongpob kissed back his cheek, giggling right after which only made arthit smile wider, his husband was more than just adorable

Arthit grabbed his wallet, phone, car keys and the house keys as they walked out, checking the door twice or thrice to make sure it's locked before getting into the car

Arthit and kongpob were going over to arthit's parents house for an early evening dinner plan, which they had decided about a week ago

Kongpob was more than excited since he hadn't met arthits parents in a long time due to their busy schedules and with a lot of things on his own plate

He glanced at arthit, whose eyes were fixed on the road as he drove with full focus while his free hand rested on Kongpob's thigh, caressing the cloth ever so softly

Kongpob held the others hand in his making arthit glance at him momentarily with a smile, as he laced his fingers with other, smiling at the feeling

Arthit had changed quite a lot after their marriage, he was more open to skinship now and wasn't hesitant, he was still a bit against public display of affection

Kongpob smiled at thought of how heated up arthit used to get earlier even with the slightest of touch and here he was now, sitting with their fingers intertwined

Around half an hour later, arthit pulled up the car in the driveway of his parents house as he turned to face kongpob who sighed, knowing what was to come

"And what are the rules now, baby?" Arthit asked

"No extra skinship, no unnecessary nicknames, not oon at least and no cheesy stuff" kongpob replied

"Well done, once we get back home, do all you want, okay?" Arthit asked, trying to lighten the mood

"Okay" kongpob replied grinning, it didn't hurt him, he respected the other's wants and needs

Once the males reached up to the front door and rung the bell, a middle aged lady opened up and engulfed the two in a bone crashing hug

"Mom, I..I can't breathe" kongpob whispered

"Oh, I'm sorry son" loona chuckled sheepishly

The two smiled at her before following her further inside where they found Aroon sitting on the couch with his newspaper in his hands

Upon seeing the boys, he put the newspaper away and greeted them with a hug, a little less intense compared to loona

The four of them talked around for an hour, about their buisness or some stuff going on around the workplace, about Kongpob's parents and when would they meet and what not

"Okay now, you have made them talk enough, lets go and have some dinner" loona suggested

Kongpob chuckled at the look on Aroon's face as he followed loona into the kitchen, to get the dinner served

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