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"Do you really want me to do this?" Arthit asked, unsure of his skills with the hair

"Yes, I do, I'm sure about it arthit" kongpob replied, shrugging his shoulders

"And what if I end up messing your hair?" Arthit asked, chuckling nervously

"What's the worst thing you might do? End up cutting it too short? That's alright, we are in lockdown anyways" kongpob replied, shrugging yet again

Arthit nodded hesitantly, grabbing the brand new pair of scissors, he pulled up his sleeves till his elbow, taking in a deep breath as he watched kongpob get ready as well

The situation was pretty simple, everyone was in the fifth month of lockdown since the breakout of the covid pandemic and so were the kongart couple

Kongpob had grown out his hair recently, wanting to try something new and surprisingly both him and arthit adored his long hair

Although they absolutely adored his hairstyle, kongpob wanted to get a quick trimming, but since the salons and all barber shops were all closed, he had no other option but to hire arthit as his very personal barber

Arthit was quite unsure and nervous about his non existing trimming skils, that's absolutely not what he studied during the four years of his engineering, and yet here he was holding the pair of scissors in his hands on the command of his lover

The things love makes you do arthit thought to himself

"Are we ready?" Kongpob asked, rather excitedly

"Seems so" arthit mumbled, before lightly brushing his hand through Kongpob's soft, long hair

Arthit first brushed Kongpob's hair softly, like he had seen the professionals doing, trying to behave exactly like one himself

Kongpob chuckled at his attempt of looking professional as he kept passing small praises every now and then to encourage the other

"You are doing well" kongpob praised

"I have just brushed your hair and sprayed a tiny bit of water to keep them from flying Kong" arthit replied, looking done with the other

Kongpob only chuckled awkwardly, before zipping up his lips and throwing the key away

Arthit shook his head at him with a soft smile before getting back to his job with full attention and concentration

Finally, the scissors were in arthit's hands and so was the future of Kongpob's hair, as he clipped the other's upper section of hair before slowly beginning to chop the ends

"Do you want me to cut them very short?" Arthit asked, taking a glance at the other's face

"Not too short, just get these hair out of my eyes" kongpob replied

"Okay okay" arthit mumbled, more to himself before resuming his work

"You have done very better than I had expected, it's great actually" kongpob complimented, checking himself in the mirror

"I used all my twenty eight years of experience in this" arthit replied, before falling onto the couch with a soft thud

Kongpob turned back to glance at him and silently chuckled at his tired state

Placing the comb on the table, kongpob quietly made his way to the kitchen, pulling the fridge door open he pulled out an ice cream bucket of the flavour arthit could die for, strawberry

Hopping back towards the living room, kongpob took a seat beside arthit before opening up the ice cream bucket, digging in a spoon he took a spoonful in his mouth

Arthit eyed him and immediately sat up straight at the sight of his favourite ice cream, snatching the box from kongpob, arthit even pulled out the spoon from his grasp before taking a spoonful for himself

"I wanna have it too!" Kongpob sulked playfully

Arthit shook his head, too busy eating the ice cream to let out any proper words

"Oh really? You won't give it to me?" Kongpob asked raising an eyebrow

Arthit grinned sheepishly, before forwarding him the bucket to which kongpob chuckled, pushing it back towards arthit

"I was just kidding, you used up all your experience, regain it" kongpob chuckled, ruffling the other's hair

"I love you" arthit replied, kissing him on the cheek before going back to his ice cream

Kongpob chuckled at his antics, admiring his little one who was very busy with the ice cream

I purple you 💜

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