Don't you worry

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This story is on the special request of Susmitha3, sorry for the changes I made

"Kongpob are you done with your classes?" Arthit asked, walking towards the exit of the campus

"I'm done with my classes, but you can get back to the dorm room, I have something to get done with, I will be back soon" kongpob replied

"Alright, don't be too late" arthit informed

"Okay oon" kongpob replied before he hung up

Arthit pocketed his phone, holding his books a little firmer, he began walking towards the main gate, with a soft smile on his face as he hummed a simple tune

He was about to leave for the dorm building when his eyes fell on a familiar figure, with someone else, who was rather unfamiliar

There he was, kongpob standing at a corner with another boy arthit didn't recognise, not even after a long stare, they seemed to be involved in a deep conversation

Arthit's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, squinting his eyes at the pair he tried to get closer without being obvious, but it seemed impossible

I have something to get done with, I will be back soon

Arthit watched as kongpob placed his hand around the other's shoulder who blushed the very next second, arthit felt his own face heating up, his blood was boiling

Sparing them a last glance, arthit hurried off to the dorm building, his nose flaring in anger, his face all red, his blood was indeed boiling

"Nong kai, believe me when I say you will kill it, you are a fabulous guitarist, I loved the little part of the song I overheard in the morning, you shouldn't worry about the performance" Kongpob spoke in the most encouraging voice he could master

Kai only stared at his feet, his confidence level boosting up just a little at the other's encouraging words, when he felt kongpob place his hands over his shoulder, shaking him ever so lightly

"You will do the best you can!" Kongpob said, with a wide grin plastered on his face

Kai flushed red, being an extremely reserved person, he was not used to being praised by complete strangers and the sudden sweet words from kongpob made him feel all giddy

"You will go for it, won't you?" Kongpob asked hopefully

Kai nodded hesitantly making kongpob smiled wider

"Thank you p, I..I will try my best to not let you down" kai replied

"I believe in you and so should you" kongpob said, ruffling the other's hair who only blushed harder

Talking for another minute or two, kongpob took his leave, telling kai how he didn't want his boyfriend to sulk at which the younger one chuckled asking him to hurry back to the dorm

Kongpob reached his dorm room expecting the door to be unlock but instead he found a note on the door which made a frown appear on his forehead

I am at my dorm, got some work to do and you can finish yours

"Why did he change his mind suddenly?" Kongpob mumbled to himself

Shrugging his shoulders, he unlocked the door and walked inside, throwing off his bag on the bed, he decided to take a shower before getting on with anything else

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