Meant to be

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This story is on the special request of AlwaysNeo

"Arthit! Can we just leave already?" Kongpob asked, tilting his head to one side

"Yeah yeah, I just need to check..." arthit was cut by kongpob, grabbing his arm

"Honey, I have the passports and the ID's I promise, lets leave now?" Kongpob asked, kissing his cheek

Arthit huffed out but nodded anyways, forwarding the suitcases to Kongpob like the spoiled wife he was before he walked out with just his phone in his hand, towards the taxi waiting for them

Kongpob chuckled before dragging both the suitcases towards the car, looking the house securely, he took a seat beside Arthit in the cab, who immediately put his head on Kongpob's shoulder and closed his eyes

Kongpob and Arthit were on their way to their honeymoon, they got married two months ago but since Kongpob had just taken over the company, he was crowded with loads of work and so didn't find the time

The couple was on their way to Paris, the standard destination for a honeymoon stay, Arthit was nothing but excited, it was his childhood dream to visit Paris and to complete it with his soulmate was just another level of happiness

It took them an hour until they were finally at the airport, Arthit yet again not holding any suitcases and only grinning at kongpob who pecked his lips and dragged the suitcases by himself

Checking in the luggage and receiving their boarding passes, the boys made their way to their assigned gate and in just half an hour, the boarding began

"Comfy?" Kongpob asked, fastening his seat belt

Arthit shook his head with the tiniest pout lingering on his lips, Kongpob swore he could immediately pull the other on his lap and kiss him forever, only if they weren't surrounded by people

Kongpob chuckled lightly at his thoughts before advising Arthit to lay back in his seat so that he could fasten his best properly for him to be more than just comfortable

"Thanks Kongy" arthit mumbled, smiling with his dimples

Kongpob smiled back in response, laying back in his own seat, resting his head on the headrest until he felt arthit lift up their seat divider and scoot closer to him, laying his head on his shoulder

Kongpob smiled to himself, his head falling onto rest on Arthit's head who grinned in response, loving the warmth spreading all over his body at the smallest actions

"How long will it take?" Arthit asked

"A while bun, rest all you want and tell me if somethings wrong, okay?" Kongpob asked back

"Okay" Arthit replied softly, closing his eyes again

"The oxygen itself is so romantic!" Arthit cheered, spreading out his arms in the air

Kongpob laughed at his antics, pulling out his phone he immediately clicked a picture of his precious husband

"Kong!" Arthit whined, he wasn't a fan of candid pictures

Kongpob only grinned mischievously, leading the way as they roamed around the city, glancing at every thing they passed by and tasting every food that caught their attention

Arthit had his hand wrapped around Kongpob's arm who had his hands stuffed in his pocket, Arthit kept blabbering about everything he was liking and the other heard him attentively

"The Eiffel tower?" Kongpob asked, noticing Arthit slowing down

"I'm a little tired now" arthit mumbled

"But honey, I hardly got the bookings today from our schedule and theirs too" Kongpob informed

Arthit pouted, but nodded anyways, agreeing to visit the Eiffel tower because he wasn't in a mood to miss it either

"You want me to carry you?" Kongpob asked

"What are you? Superman?" Arthit asked, rolling his eyes

Kongpob glared at him and without warning, scooped him up in his arms making Arthit yelp in surprise and hold onto him for his dear life

"You dare to underestimate me?" Kongpob asked, raising an eyebrow

"Kong, it's really far away, you are going to be tired" Arthit replied

"I will be fine, if not I have you to cuddle me and make me alright" kongpob grinned

"Cuddles don't fix broken backs" Arthit scoffed

"Come on, that's an exaggeration" kongpob pouted, not liking how his husband didn't find him strong enough

"Alright alright, do as you wish" Arthit replied, his head resting against his chest

Kongpob smiled again before he began walking, Arthit kept asking him to put him down every ten minutes or so, but that only happened once they reached the Eiffel tower

"I did it!" Kongpob announced

"You, are strong" Arthit complimented, patting the other's shoulder

Kongpob pulled the other closer by his waist, and Arthit placed his hands on his shoulder

"I love you, Arthit Sutthalik" kongpob grinned

"I love you too, Kongpob Sutthalik" Arthit replied

The fireworks began and Arthit looked up fascinated while Kongpob enjoyed his view of the most beautiful person in his arms, before pulling him in for a kiss

As they kissed under the fireworks, by the Eiffel tower, Arthit felt butterflies erupting in his stomach and Kongpob grinned in between and they knew, that this was it, they were meant for each other and each other only

I purple you 💜

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