Hey there 🤍

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Hey! I know I have been confusing you all a lot recently, coming up with a new book every now and then and not really completing any and also the irregular updates with a lot "2nd part requests" still pending

I am sorry about all the trouble and for it to be prevented, I have created a little schedule which I hope you all will come to liking

For now, i.e for this month I will be focusing on my new book with a fresh and interesting idea and a little spicier than I usually write 🤭 which is

All About Him

Alongside I will also be completing the book Our Story in this month itself

About the one shots and requests, I will try updating the one shots book at least once a week and it will surely get sorted then, I hope

Requests for now are closed and I will surely inform you once they are open again and getting accepted

I hope you are all okay with it, if there is any problem of any type please let me know

I purple you 💜

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