Sleep well

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This chapter is on the special request of q_Lina

"Don't worry kerkarai, I'm not taking him in as a slave, I will keep him well" Sam said

"Yea, I just haven't had him away from me ever since his mother left us.." kerkarai replied with a faint smile

"I know, I will keep him well and safe, like my very own son" Sam replied with a reassuring nod

Kerkarai nodded at him before he took his leave, feeling good about it but already missing his beloved son

Sam walked back in only to find his own son, arthit glaring at kongpob as the junior had his head held low

"What's going on here?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow

"Nothing, I don't want him here" arthit said pointing at kongpob

"What are you? Five? He is going to be living here with us for a while, and I want you to treat him like you would treat any of your other friends" Sam said

Arthit passed kongpob an angry look before he marched off to his room leaving a disappointed kongpob behind

"I'm sorry about him dear, he is just very stubborn about things" Sam replied

"It's alright uncle, I'm fine with it" kongpob replied with a polite smile

"You are impressive my son, if you don't mind me calling you that?" Sam asked

"Oh no, not at all" kongpob replied

"Follow me, I will show you your room for your stay here" Sam said

Kongpob's father was a collector, a very famous one at that, he was trusted by all and was a man of his words

Arthits father was a buisness man, he was very particular about his work and liked no mistakes, he barely trusted people when it came to work

Sam loved ushabits, the pretty statues attracted him, he was always mesmerised by their beauty and so he decided to have some in his office

He wandered around and looked for the best collectors and came across a few if them until he heard of Kongpob's father, kerkarai

The only problem were the rumors he heard from the other collectors in the community, saying that kerkarai wasn't really honest, he always bought stuff that wasn't real and took the money to himself

Sam really wanted to put kerkarai to the job due to the praises he heard for him but the rumors made him consider and take a step back and that's when he came up with the plan

He made a deal, he asked kerkarai to leave kongpob, his son with Sam while he was away for work because no matter what kerkarai would come back for his beloved son

Kerkarai wasn't ready at first and nor was kongpob but the deal was one of the most profitable ones and so he agreed, eventually so did kongpob and this is how they ended up here

Arthit frowned as he found kongpob laughing with his father while he cooked him what looked like a pancake

Arthit loved pancakes, the frown deepened when he walked closer only to find Sam showering kongpob with all sorts of praises

"Arthit, have this, kongpob is a brilliant cook" Sam commented, winking at the other

Kongpob chuckled yet again before turning to face arhit, waiting for his reaction but the other just walked away

It had been three days and arthit wasn't very much ready to adjust even yet, while kongpob would be staying for another week or so

"Arthit, I won't be home tonight, take care of kongpob, understand?" Sam asked sternly

"Why me?" Arthit whined

"You have to" Sam replied with a glare

Arthit rolled his eyes at him before nodding, as he made his way to his bedroom

"Take care kong, how much ever rude he might seem, he is nothing but a baby inside" Sam informed

Kongpob smiled at him before wishing him a good time as he too walked back to his room

It was late in the evening when the weather outside began to get stormy, it had been raining for a while and now the winds blew really fast and loud

Kongpob found himself feeling anxious, he hated thunderstorm, his father was always around him to make him feel safe, what was he to do today?

He flinched when the lightening struck loud and clear, making him shiver in fear, he was suddenly worried about his father and arthit's father

The rain didn't seem to stop anytime soon and the lightening struck after every minute or two, kongpob hid under the blankets, not feeling any better in any way

A minute or two passed and the door to his room pushed open

"Kongpob, the maid said the din.." arthit's voice trailled off when he didn't find kongpob in the room

Arthit walked further in with furrowed eyebrows

"Kongpob?" Arthit called

"Yea.." kongpob replied in a tiny voice

Arthit glanced towards the bed and lightly chuckled at the others state

"What are you doing in there? Don't tell me that you are afraid of thunderstorms like a five year old" arthit laughed

Kongpobs eyes watered, he hated being teased about this, he wasn't scared because he wanted to be

"Go away" kongpob replied in a shaky voice

Arthit stopped laughing as he walked closer to kongpob and pulled the blanket away before sitting beside him

"Are you really that scared?" Arthit asked carefully

Kongpob nodded with a pout when the thundering sound made him flinch so hard that he held onto arthit for his dear life

Arthit was taken aback but nonetheless, he held the other close to him, feeling him getting comfortable and less anxious in his hold

"Do you want me to get you dinner here?" Arthit softly asked

Komgpob shook his head against arthit's chest

"Do you want to sleep it over?" Arthit asked

Kongpob nodded this time, gripping arthits shirt tighter, indicating him that he wanted him to stay

"I will stay" arthit mumbled

Arthit slowly lay back with kongpob still clinging onto him like a koala bear, arthit felt weird in his stomach but the warm feeling in his chest made it all better

"Sleep well" arthit mumbled

Kongpob hummed in response before he fell into a deep slumber and as for arthit, he spent the night staring at thr boy, hoping for nothing but a good sleep to him

I purple you 💜

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