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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"You don't understand me!" Arthit yelled

"No, its you who doesn't understand me, work, work and only work, that's all you ever do! Am I not important to you anymore? Do you not care about me? Its the seventh dinner date that is cancelled just because you forgot and came home late! Do you understand how much it hurts me?" Kongpob yelled back, his eyes filled with frustration

"Am I working for only myself? I'm working for the both of us Kongpob! I'm working to make our lives better, but you, you can't finish with these cliche stupid dates, goodness, at days, I hate you for all of this!" Arthit replied, running his hands through his hair

Kongpob let out a low gasp at the other's words, arthit's words pierced through his heart, and he felt his heart beat fading

"So this is where we are now? I hate you are the words we would use?" Kongpob asked, his eyes now glistening

Arthit raised his gaze, meeting kongpob in the eyes, and his heart fell with a thump when he realised how much his childish words affected the other

"Did..did I ever ask you to? Did I ever ask you to bring back millions of money? All I ever asked you to do was give me time!" Kongpob said, a little louder than he intended, but he didn't mind

Arthit slightly flinched at how loud kongpob was, he knew that it was his fault, that he shouldn't have forgotten about the date, that he should have given Kongpob time but he also knew that work was important, was it more important than Kongpob though?

Arthit took a couple of steps towards Kongpob, who only backed away, wiping away a few tears which managed to escape his eyes, kongpob walked away

Arthit sighed, caressing his temple, he didn't know what to do, to follow kongpob? Or to let him be for a while, until he calms down?

Going with the second option, arthit took his bag and walked upstairs to their bedroom, walking inside the washroom, he decided to take a quick shower and maybe relax his strained muscles

Arthit walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist and a towel in his hands, drying his hair, as he took out his clothes, getting into his comfortable clothes, he walked downstairs

The house seemed quiet, Arthit's eyebrows crashed together, as he peeked inside the kitchen, hoping to find kongpob, but didn't

There was no place in the house with kongpob in it, it felt like Kongpob had just vanished, where was he?

Arthit glanced at the clock, it was two in the night and he suddenly felt his heart beat fastening, where could kongpob possibly be? Was the only question in his mind

Grabbing his car keys, his phone and the house keys, arthit hurried towards his car, thinking of any place kongpob could be at

Arthit was driving rather fast, his eyes moving in all direction along the bridge he was driving on, all he wanted was to get a glimpse of Kongpob, safe and sound

Thirty minutes into driving and arthit spotted Kongpob standing at the left side of the bridge, his hands resting on the railing, as he stared into the sky with blank eyes

Arthit hurried towards him, stopping right beside the other, panting hard as he felt himself calming down

"Kong, what are you doing here all alone? Due you know how far this place is from home? Do you know how worried I was?" Arthit asked, glaring at the other

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