The love story

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This story is on the request of laviniagazsi also I'm sorry for the changes i made, but the original request was familiar to another story I read

"Kong, did you apply the mosquito repellent to ara and yourself?" Arthit asked

"Yes oon, I did" kongpob replied

"Did you spread the mat in the garden, and also spread a cloth on it?" Arthit asked

"Yes oon" Kongpob replied

"Did you.." Arthit's next question was cut by Kongpob

"I did it all oon, don't worry and come, let's go outside" kongpob said, chuckling at his worried husband

"We are just going to the garden papa, not to take part in the world war" ara reasoned out chuckling

"Yeah yeah, I'm just taking care of you both" arthit replied stomping off to their garden

Ara and kongpob met eyes and burst into fits of laughters before following arthit in the garden

"A nice cold evening, perfect weather for the question I'm curious about" ara said, smiling at her parents

"What is it about?" Arthit asked confused

"I'm curious about you both" ara replied

"About us?" Kongpob asked

"Yeah, I want to know how you both met? Like you must have some sort of a love story, right?" Ara asked hopefully

"And what's with the sudden curiosity?" Arthit asked

"All my friends brag about their parent's love stories, I want to do the same, don't tell me you were arranged" ara replied with a small pout

"Oh of course not! We had to go through a lot to reach here, though it was fun" kongpob said chuckling

"Tell me about it then, please!" Ara requested with heart eyes making both Kongpob and arthit nod in response, not being able to deny her cuteness

"Where do we start from? The beginning?" Kongpob asked

"Let me, I will start with the first time we had a conversation" arthit replied as ara turned towards him with excited eyes


"do you see the gear badge?" Arthit yelled

"Yes I do" kongpob calmly replied

"This is the gear badge, its for each and every engineering student. Its an honorary symbol representing engineering students, not for one particular person. And if any of you can't prove to me that you should earn it, feel free to get out. And I won't consider you my junior. Now Mr kongpob what if I don't give you this badge? What will you do?" Arthit asked

Kongpob didn't reply

Arthit turned around and began to walk

"I will just take it from you" kongpob suddenly said

"What did you say?" Arthit asked approaching kongpob

"If you don't give the gears to us, we can snatch them from you" kongpob confidently replied

"How do you do that?" Arthit asked looking furious

"I will just make you my wife. They say what belongs to your lover is also yours. So if I can make you my wife your badge is also mine" kongpob explained

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