We are married

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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

Kongpob was in the kitchen, chopping vegetables to prepare dinner, it was already ten in the night and because of his tons of assignments, kongpob got late in preparing the ingredients for the dinner

Around fifteen or twenty minutes later, he heard the main door being opened and a wide smile spread on his face almost immediately, knowing who it was

Wiping his hand on his apron, he hurried outside, towards the living room

"I'm home" arthit mumbled almost inaudibly

"How was your day?" Kongpob asked rather enthusiastically, as he hung arthit's coat and took his bag

"Stressful, is the dinner ready?" Arthit asked loosening his tie

"No, actually I was stuck with my assig..." Kongpob was cut by arthit

"You mean to say you haven't prepared the dinner yet? I come home late and hope to relax after a hard day, and here you haven't even prepared the dinner? The only thing you have to do?" Arthit asked, his voice coming out cold and rude

"I...I'm sorry" kongpob replied, his head hung low

All the excitement and happiness that had bubbled up in him at the sight of arthit, washed away in a matter of seconds

Arthit scoffed before he stomped towards their bedroom leaving a disappointed Kongpob behind, who decided to hurry up with the dinner

It was twelve in the night, kongpob and arthit had finished having their dinner, and were now getting ready to sleep

They haven't talked a word since dinner, Kongpob was quietly doing his household works and preparing things for the next day while arthit was pretty much engrossed in his laptop, a look of disappointment on his face

Once Kongpob felt like he was done with all the work and was also ready for the next day, he decided to finally sleep and rest his body

He was about to hide under the blankets to avoid any sort of contact with arthit since he thought he would disturb the other, when arthit called him out

"Kong, come here, please"

Kongpob glanced at him and found the other patting his lap which was not covered by the laptop anymore

Kongpob took a few seconds but obeyed anyways, hoping on the other who immediately wrapped his hands around his waist, placing his head on his shoulder, arthit hugged him tight

Kongpob's hands naturally travelled to his soft locks, as he caressed them ever so softly, completely forgetting about the scene that happened earlier until arthit brought it up

"I'm sorry for yelling at you for no absolute reason, I was just being so stupid, I'm so thankful that you, even after a hard day at college and completing your assignments, do the household work and take care of me, I was just in a bad temper at that moment, please forgive me, I love you baby, I really do, trust me" arthit confessed, placing soft kisses on the other's neck who giggled at the tickling sensation

"I forgive you, although I was sulky at first, but after such an apology, I don't think I can be mad at you any longer" kongpob replied with a soft smile

Arthit nodded against his shoulder, nuzzling deeper into his neck and kongpob sensed that something was wrong

"What's wrong oon? Did something happen at work?" Kongpob asked concerned

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