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Valentine's day, it has to be the perfect day for confessions, isn't that what it's made for? But kongpob's story had turned out a little different than he had expected

Arthit, his long time crush has been ignoring him ever since he first tried to express his real feelings for the other which broke his heart into pieces

Was arthit running away from him? Did he not love him? Did he love someone else? Was their love not a normal idea for him? Kongpob had tons of questions in his pretty little head

Since it was Valentine's day, Kongpob had decided to try and test his luck and so he came to the college all prepared for his confession

He had prepared himself, bought a box of special chocolates, the ones that arthit loved and a bouquet of Arthit's favourite flowers

The whole college had turned red in colour, due to the love present in the air and aim had swore to kongpob that he would soon stop breathing at this rate of love pollution in the air

At a normal day kongpob would have laughed at his lame yet creative jokes, but today was different, his non existing love life was about to end before even beginning

He had summed up his courage to finally go and propose arthit in direct words when the sight in front of him drained away all his excitement

There he was, arthit, surrounded by all the girls of the college, chocolates, flowers, cards, teddy bears were all he had in front of him, on the canteen table

Arthit only smiled at them apologetically before rejecting them all, Kongpob gulped in a lump and assumed himself to be rejected already

When arthit didn't like all those beautiful girls out there, what were the chances of him liking Kongpob? None

"Don't be so depressed already, at least go and try Kong" aim repeated the sake sentence for the fifteenth time

"He would never accept my confession anyways, didn't you notice him ignoring me?" Kongpob asked disappointedly

"And what about all this money you have wasted on these chocolates and flowers? At least give it a try" aim replied trying his best to convince the other 

"Really?" Kongpob asked, his doe eyes staring at aim innocently

Aim quickly nodded at him with a smile, hoping for Kongpob to now give it a try

Kongpob thought for a second before he abruptly stood up and decided what he was going to do, confession mission on!

"P'Arthit?" Kongpob called

Arthit turned around and let out a sigh at the sight of the junior, he himself was surprised as to where kongpob was till now

" probably know what I'm here for" kongpob mumbled

"I know.." Arthit replied

Kongpob, without a word forwarded the box of chocolates towards arthit who was taken aback for a second

"I heard them say that any two people who feed these chocolates to each other, tend to stay with each other forever" kongpob mumbled

"You made that up right now, didn't you?" Arthit chuckled

"No!" Kongpob replied, his pitch a little higher than he intended it to be

"I don't believe it" arthit chuckled again

Kongpob pouted, his hands fell towards his side and arthit stopped chuckling as well

"Why would you tease me like this? Just accept my confession already!" Kongpob whined

Arthit bit his lower lip, trying to prevent himself from blooming into the widest smile at the other's cuteness

It wasn't that arthit didn't love him back, although it took him some time to realise that, he did it eventually, but now he found it fun, teasing the other till his limit, he found his antics cute

Kongpob huffed before he stomped away, passing the box of chocolates to a random girl on the way, he was about to find himself a corner to cry in until he heard something from behind him

There he was, arthit, he had snatched off the box of chocolates from the girl, his eyes were slightly wide and he looked relieved about something

"Would you just pass such chocolates to anyone? That keeps you stuck together?" Arthit yelled

"You didn't believe it though" kongpob replied, kicking off the mud

"Come on, arthit don't tease him further, tell him" prem chuckled

Kongpob's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he saw arthit stare right at him before taking his heart away with the breathtaking dimpled smile

"Kongpob sutthalik! I love you! I really do, sorry for teasing you for so long bun" arthit announced in the whole canteen

Kongpob's eyes widened, am I hearing things? Was his first thought until he found arthit walking towards him

Arthit ruffled his hair softly, before pressing a kiss on his cheek

"You aren't hearing things bun" arthit mumbled

And kongpob now knew that he wasn't, it was all real, it was happening, his confession had went well

"Mission confession successful!" Aim whispered from behind the pillar chuckling later

I purple you 💜

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