The shirt

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This story is on the special request of sukhi-peraya

Kongpob was in the kitchen, flipping pancakes and grinning at his unmatchable skills, humming himself a proud tone as he danced around

Arthit was upstairs in the bedroom, getting himself to get up for the important meeting he had that day knowing it was going to be a long day

Kongpob had woken the other up three times already but he didn't move an inch, at the fourth turn Kongpob just warned him of not giving any kisses and the other sat up straight

"Oon?" Kongpob yelled from the kitchen

"Yes?" Arthit yelled back

"Good, I thought you went back to sleeping" Kongpob chuckled

Kongpob stood in silence waiting for a grumpy, sarcastic reply when instead, he heard a loud thud of something falling

"What was that?" Kongpob asked, slightly concerned

"O..oh nothing, shirt fell!" Arthit yelled, his voice breaking

Kongpob raised an eyebrow to himself, that didn't quite make sense, the noise was evidently loud for it to just be a shirt falling

"Are you sure? The noise was a bit too loud for a piece of fabric falling" Kongpob implied

"Oh god, what are you? Sherlock Holmes?" Arthit asked, scoffing

Kongpob laughed at the sarcastic remark, hurrying up the stairs straight to their bedroom to find Arthit tangled in the bedsheets, on the floor

"Sorry, the bedsheets fell except that I was in them too" arthit replied, grinning sheepishly

"My god, Arthit?" Kongpob broke into fits of laughter

"Laugh all you want, but untie me" Arthit whined, giving out his best puppy eyes

"But you look like a kitten" kongpob argued

"Untie me, Kongpob Rojanapat" Arthit groaned

"Coming sir, coming" kongpob chuckled

I purple you 💜

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