The first kiss

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This is the continuation of my story "always" on the special request of mohainaalisarat and bottomkong sorry for the delay

Kongpob sat on the couch, a pout formed on his sulky face as he bore holes into the back of an arthit oblivious to the situation as he continued playing his online games

Sighing, kongpob stood up and marched off to the kitchen, deciding to prepare the lunch since the other didn't seem to be getting off the game anytime soon

"Why didn't he just marry that game instead? Ever since he has confessed, he spends most of his time with that game, he could have confessed to it instead, it would be at least justified then" Kongpob murmured under his breath in frustration

Ever since arthit had confessed to kongpob about falling in love with him and had decided to give their marriage a second chance, Kongpob had high hopes in his heart, which were all left shattered

Arthit wasn't an expressive man and Kongpob knew it, he had been his best friend all his life, but wasn't husband a little different? Couldn't he keep Kongpob as an exception?

He wasn't very expressive since he had seen his parents fight more than a hundred times while he was young, Kongpob always comforted him in days like those, and he completely understood him, but he has his limit too

Kongpob was blabbering any and everything that clicked in his mind, not even sure of what he was cooking when he felt a light tap on his head, turning around he found arthit grinning at him ever so cutely, nearly melting his heart

"What's wrong?" Arthit asked

"Why do you care? Go and continue playing that stupid game who is so deprived of your attention" Kongpob replied, turning back to chopping the vegetables

Arthit's eyebrows furrowed, was Kongpob mad at him? But why? Was it because he was playing games for too long?

"Uh..are you mad at me?" Arthit asked nervously

"Not as if you are going to twirl me around and kiss me to make up if I'm" kongpob replied, chopping the vegetables rather aggressively

Arthit blinked a few times, registering what Kongpob said before he coughed at the other's choice of words and heard the other scoff

Something in Arthit's mind suddenly clicked, not knowing where he got the sudden rush of courage from, as he twirled Kongpob around before attaching his lips with that of kongpob's

Kongpob's eyes widened would be an understatement, the knife still in his hands, clutched tighter due to the sudden shock, as his eyes fluttered closed in seconds

It was true, it was happening, arthit was kissing him, what was he to do?

Kiss him back you idiot! He heard his brain yell

Oh right! He was supposed to kiss him back, with that said, he wasted no further time in kissing the other back who smiled in between the kiss noticing the other's nervousness

And around a minute later, arthit pulled away, a silly grin plastered on his face while kongpob's cheeks shined crimson red

"Well I did twirl you around and kiss you to make up for whatever I did wrong, you can't be angry anymore" arthit said, wiggling his eyebrows

"I..go wash up, the lunch is getting ready" Kongpob replied, turning back to the chopping board, grabbing the tomato and noticing he was surely much redder than the fruit

"You sure you don't want another k.." Arthit was cut by kongpob

"Arthit!" Kongpob yelled, the blush creeping up till his ears as arthit laughed out loud at his shy reaction

With this one I have completed all the plot requests and second part requests, the requests will now be closed for a while, you can surely drop them to me in private messages or in the comment section, but it will take a while for me to write them up and the updates would be a little slower too

I purple you 💜

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