The planned revenge

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This is the continuation of my story 'connected?' on the special request of Susmitha3 and BTS_F7

"May, what did you both fight for this time?" Kongpob asked, resting his head on his palm

"It was because of that female best friend of his, boom, he spent a while fucking day with her without even tell me and now when I'm asking him to take me to a nice place since it's a holiday, he says that he is tired!" May explained, her hands folded in front of her chest with a frown on her face

"Well that was pretty..." Kongpob was cut by arthit

"Not pretty, it was completely bad, very disgusting, why would a husband ever do that? Right may?" Arthit asked

May nodded in agreement, her face getting angrier every passing second

"But he does love her too much, he might really be tir.." And kongpob was cut again

"Tired for the person he loves too much? I doubt he does" arthit replied shaking his head disappointedly

May's eyes slightly widened, as she stared into nothing, maybe marking the possibilities of aim not loving her

"Well, let's check it then" Kongpob suggested

"And how?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow at him

"Let's choose a method which is a little different from his, come here" Kongpob replied

Both arthit and may leaned towards the other as he whispered everything he had planned in their ears

"Done?" Kongpob asked

"Done!" May and arthit replied in unison

Aim was in the living room, sitting on the couch with the controller in his hands, his eyes fixed on the screen as he killed some random people in the game

He was too engrossed in the game that he didn't feel the presence of the other three people in the room until they spoke up rather loudly

"Which movie do you want to go for?" May asked while she talked on the phone

Aim's ears perked up, as he put more attention to what he dear wife was talking about, while arthit and kongpob bit the inside of their cheeks to stop themselves from bursting out with laughter already

"That's a pretty romantic movie, we can go for that" may suddenly decided

Aim's eyebrow furrowed in confusion, stress lines appeared on his forehead as he quickly paused the game and turned around

Finding may talking on the phone with a smile on her face he turned towards Kongpob and arthit

Both kongpob and arthit mastered a blank expression as they shrugged their shoulders innocently, as kongpob mouthed 'we don't know' to the clueless aim

"Oh sure, night is the best time to watch a romantic movie" may chuckled

That was the limit, aim quickly stood up and snatched the phone from her, quickly facing it to his face, his eyes widened at the caller ID Sam

"Who is this?" Aim asked confused

"What's your problem? Go play that game, aren't you tired?" May asked

"Aren't I supposed to know whom you are going out with? I'm your husband after all" aim replied

"Aren't I supposed to know whom you are going out with? I'm your wife after all" may repeated the very same thing

"What are you... Is it still about boom?" Aim asked, his voice turning from dominant to nervous

May didn't reply and instead just stared at him with deadly eyes, making him grin at her sheepishly, to maybe calm her down

"Why would you go out with someone else? I will take you there" aim said

"Weren't you tired Mr husband?" Arthit asked earning a pleading look from aim, which only made him laugh out loud

"May, the decision is now in your hands" kongpob informed

May tapped her foot on the floor rather dramatically, as she bore holes into a nervous looking aim

"Well I have the perfect punishment for you" may gleamed

"That is?" Aim mumbled

"Your PS5 is now going to be for sale on the online selling app, be ready to part your ways with it" may replied with a wide smile

Aim's eyed widened comically at the announcement

"No way, you aren't doing that right?" Aim asked hopefully

"Oh well, I'm" may replied before walking away

"And Sam? What about him?" Aim yelled

"He doesn't exist, so you are safe on that side" Kongpob informed

"What about the number?" Aim asked confused

"That was mine" kongpob grinned

"It was all your plan, wasn't it?" Aim asked, glaring at the other

"This is what you get for messing with the Rojanapats" arthit replied, laughing hard right after

"Also, wives don't usually apologize, go and beg for forgiveness" kongpob chuckled, passing a high five to arthit who laughed along

"Mission revenge complete!" Both of them cheered together

I purple you 💜

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