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This story is on the special request of lazylioness555

"Kong, what's taking you so long?" Arthit yelled out from the living room

"Coming!" Kongpob yelled back

Kongpob stood in front of the mirror, his eyes never leaving his face or his stomach, he had gained weight, maybe a little too much

Arthit and him were going out for a dinner party with Arthit's colleagues, all had beautiful wives who went to gym thrice a week, followed all sorts of diets and what not

Kongpob didn't want to go, his cheeks were a lot chubbier than usual, his stomach appeared a littke bloated and he just didn't feel pretty

Nonetheless, he took in a sharp breath before hurrying down the stairs to find Arthit tapping his feet in anticipation, once his eyes fell on the other, a huge smile appeared on his face

"There is my beautiful husband, do you do some sort of black magic, honey?" Arthit asked, kissing the other's cheek

Kongpob's face heated up and his heart lightened a little bit at his husband's appreciation

"Stop flirting, we are gonna be late" Kongpob mumbled

"Looking at you now, I think we should just skip, I can't afford to take you out, what if you cause road accidents?" Arthit asked, winking playfully

"You are crazy" Kongpob chuckled, walking off towards their car

"All for you, darling!" Arthit yelled, following him with a hearty laugh

It took them about forty five minutes to reach to the restraunt they were supposed to meet at, and as they reached up to the floor, Kongpob's anxiety increased

"Is everything okay?" Arthit whispered in Kongpob's ear, noticing his uncomfortable state

Kongpob passed a smile, and arthit smiled back before walking towards the booked table, to find everyone waiting for them

"Hello there, Mr Rojanapat" Mr Kim greeted

Arthit smiled at him as he shook his head before taking a seat with Kongpob who smiled at everyone

"This is my pretty husband, Kongpob Rojanapat" Arthit introduced, with his forever whipped smile

Kongpob hit his elbow softly before nodding at everyone again who chuckled at the couple

"So the talks were all true, about how the CEO is whipped for his husband" Mr Park chuckled

"Proudly, Sir" Arthit replied chuckling

The dinner went on rather smoothly, although Kongpob was conscious about himself but nothing around triggered him and so he was all smiley

"I will be back in a minute" Kongpob mumbled to Arthit before excusing himself to the washroom

He splashed a little water on his face, wiped it up with a hand towel before walking out, into the common lobby where he ran into Mrs Park who eyed him up and down

Kongpob's anxiety and insecurity immediately clicked in and his eyes shifted to the floor as he heard Mrs Park clear her throat

"You must be a foodie" she chuckled softly

Kongpob tried to reply with nothing but a smile

"It's nice to be a foodie, I was one too but you need to sort out your priorities, you are so young and yet turning all fat already, why do you think Mr Rojanapat would want to stay with you if he find even more beautiful men outside? You really need to keep that in mind" She explained before walking away

Kongpob's vision blurred, he wiped off his eyes and took a deep breath before walking out back to the table

"Oon, can we go home?" Kongpob whispered

Arthit turned to him and his eyes immediately filled up with concern, he could see that Kongpob had cried

"Sure honey, sure" Arthit whispered back

Kongpob nodded as Arthit turned back to face the table, clearing his throat to gain everyone's attention

"I think my husband here is rather tired, and I have an early morning meeting as well, so I will be taking a leave now" Arthit informed, getting up with a smile

Once the greeting offs were done, the couple walked back to their car and drove home in complete silence with Kongpob gazing out the window

"Baby, is something wrong?" Arthit asked, laying on the bed

Kongpob shook his head, laying on his side with his back facing Arthit

Arthit sat up straight in annoyance and turned on the lights, pulling Kongpob to make the other sit on his lap

"Oon, your legs are going to hurt" Kongpob complained

"With your fragile body? Never, honey" arthit replied

"Its not fragile anymore" kongpob mumbled

Arthit stared at him and he now knew what the problem was

"Have I ever told you how much I love your chubby cheeks? I mean I loved you even when they weren't chubby, but I love these even more, so soft and so sweet" Arthit mumbled, biting his cheek softly

"Shut up, nobody likes fat people" Kongpob replied

Arthit sighed, placing his head in between Kongpob's neck, as they sat in silence with Arthit kissing his neck every now and then

"Lay down" Arthit mumbled

"Huh?" Kongpob asked

"Lay down, baby" Arthit repeated

Kongpob got off his lap and lay down straight as arthit got over him, taking him by surprise

Arthit bent down to kiss him all over his face, specially his cheeks

"I love your chubby cheeks, they are the most softest things I have ever seen in my life, baby"

He then kissed all over his neck, all the way down to his belly

"I love your scented neck and your beautiful, full belly"

Kongpob's eyes watered as he pulled arthit up, towards him and hugged him tight, crying into his neck

"Honey, I love you for you, not for your thin or fat body, understand? Whatever, whoever has told you is bullshit, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen or ever will" arthit whispered, kissing his lips repeatedly

"I love you, I love you, I love you so so much" Kongpob mumbled

"I love you too, my baby" Arthit whispered

I purple you 💜

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