Paper rings

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This is the continuation of my story "bun?" on the special request of mohainaalisarat, Susmitha3 and bookloveforever15

Arthit switched the channel for the seventh time in the last fifteen minutes, nothing was good enough to entertain him while his pretty boyfriend slept over him rather comfortably

Arthit glanced at kongpob sleeping over him, combing his hair softly with his fingers, arthit placed a small kiss on his forehead, failing in love with the other all over again

"You have absolutely no idea of how much I love you" arthit mumbled

Kongpob shifted in his sleep, his hands wrapping around arthit's neck as he snuggled his face in the crook of his neck making him giggle due to the ticklish feeling

Arthit was enjoying the soft time he was having with his boyfriend when a loud bang disturbed his moment and Kongpob's sleep, all together

Kongpob rubbed his eyes with his tiny fists, while arthit let out a tired sigh at the sight of knot grinning at him rather sheepishly

"I didn't know you were sleeping" knot said, smiling apologetically at kongpob

"What about me? You disturbed me too!" Arthit argued

"Disturbed you doing what? Staring at my brother? Be thankful I'm not beating you for that" knot glared at arthit

"p'knot, don't be so rude to him" kongpob mumbled, finally sitting yo straight, allowing arthit to do as well

"Yeah yeah, sure" knot replied as arthit grinned at him mischievously

Knot hit the other on his head, making him pout as he rubbed the spot he was hit on

"You are nothing less than a baby brother either, I don't understand who appointed you as the CEO of such a huge company" knot teased

"It's my company!" Arthit reminded

"Ah, that is why" knot replied, chuckling right after

Arthit glared at him, as he was very ready to throw hands while knot only teased him further before kongpob spoke up

"Stop fighting like children both of you, oon, can you please make me something to eat?" Kongpob asked, holding arthit's index finger

"Of course bun, what do you want to eat?" Arthit asked, shifting all his attention to his little baby

"Anything" kongpob replied, yawning cutely

Arthit chuckled at him, pecking his cheeks, he hurried towards the kitchen to prepare something for the hungry one

"He really loves you though" knot mumbled smiling

"He does, very much and so do I, so don't be rude to him" kongpob replied squinting his eyes at his brother

"Just look at you, all grown up, defending your boyfriend huh?" Knot asked ruffling the other's hair

"Of course I'm grown up" kongpob replied grinning proudly

Knot smiled at him, his smile proud and fatherly

"What are we watching?" Arthit asked, plopping himself on the couch

"You know that new borrow movie that released, let's watch that, it's trending" knot replied, finding for the movie on the TV with the remote in his hands

Kongpob's eyes widened as he turned to face arthit, shaking his head furiously

Arthit snatched the remote from knot taking the other by surprise before he scoffed playfully

"Don't you know your brother doesn't watch horror movies?" Arthit asked playfully

"Wait, you used to love them earlier" knot replied

Kongpob shook his head, fiddling with his fingers

"Right, a while has passed since then" knot chuckled sadly

Arthit noticed the sudden change in atmosphere, clearing his throat he quickly put on a rather funny movie, which lightened the mood almost immediately

"I will leave then, I also gotta go to work tomorrow, you know my boss is cruel" knot informed

"What? Your boss is the sweetest person I ever met" arthit replied chuckling

"Oh sure Mr Rojanapat" knot chuckled as well

"Why don't you wait for King to wake up and then go?" Arthit asked

"He seems very sleepy, let him rest, I will meet him tomorrow" knot replied, glancing at his brother

Arthit hummed in response, staring at arthit with heart eyes as well

"I'm glad to have him back, safe and sound" knot said

Arthit turned to face him and smiled in response

"Thank to you arthit, thanks for saving him and for loving him, no matter how much I tease you both, you are and will always be the best for him" knot said

"Are you going to make me cry now?" Arthit asked wiping off his fake tears

Knot pulled his ear playfully, exchanging a few more random talks, they bid their goodbyes

"Oon!" Kongpob called as he hoped towards the kitchen

"Yes bun?" Arthit asked, chopping the vegetables

"Give me your hand" kongpob requested

Arthit wiped his hand on the hand towel before forwarding it to kongpob who quickly slid in a paper ring in the other's ring finger

"What's that for?" Arthit asked chuckling

"Well I can't gift you diamond rings, so I though a paper ring might work" kongpob replied

"Oh bun, you know I had marry you with a paper ring" arthit chuckled making kongpob giggle

Should I unpublish "almost"?

I purple you 💜

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