All that matters

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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

"Oon, I'm leaving for work!" Kongpob yelled, glancing at his wrist watch for the seventeen time

"Kong you aren't going anywhere without breakfast!" arthit yelled back from the kitchen

"I'm going to be late" kongpob whined

Arthit glared at him as he placed the sandwiches on the dining table motioning kongpob to take a seat

Kongpob groaned before quickly grabbing a sandwich and stuffing it in one bite proceeding to grin at the surprised elder one

"You aren't getting a goodbye kiss, leave" arthit replied, walking away

Kongpob whined louder but as his eyes fell on the watch he decided to hurry up, his meeting at office was rather important

"Good morning buddy" aim greeted with a small wave

"Hey hey, I'm so sorry I'm late" kongpob replied taking a seat

"It's alright, it's alright, be thankful it's your best friend you have a meeting with" aim chuckled as kongpob sighed with relief

The meeting went on for an hour or so, although the two were best friends from their early childhood when it came to work, they were nothing but professional

"Okay then, we will work it out that way" kongpob agreed

"Would be great" aim replied as they stood up for a handshake

The meeting was over and the staff was dispersed, kongpob was getting ready to leave too when aim called him out

"Are we on the dinner plan?" Aim asked raising an eyebrow

Kongpob's body immediately tensed up, the dinner had completely slipped off his mind, a family dinner with Kongpob's parents was not something very festive

"Yeah, I couldn't bring up an excuse this time" kongpob replied sighing

"Is arthit okay?" Aim asked softly

"I guess so, he was a bit tensed when I told him last night but he seemed alright in the morning" kongpob replied

"Let's meet at the dinner then" aim said, patting the other on the shoulder, he walked out

Kongpob watched him leave, his mind suddenly filled with anxieties of what might happen

Kongpob pushed the door open, he had rung the bell twice or thrice but nobody answered, a little worried he made his way to the bedroom

He could hear silent cries from the closet, panicking he slid the door open and found arthit curled up on the floor, his face between his knees as he sobbed

"Oon? What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Kongpob asked, kneeling down beside the other, taking him in his arms

Arthit clutched his shirt in his tiny fists before burying his face in the other's chest, crying louder

"Hun, you are scaring me, what is it about?" Kongpob asked, patting the other on his back

"I..I don't wanna go there...they..they never liked me, they still won't, I..I'm tired of seeing them still bring up suitable matches for you" arthit replied, his grip tightening on the other

Kongpob's eyes softened, he knew arthit wasn't okay, he knew how arthit only pretended to be

"Oon, look at me, listen to me, please" kongpob mumbled

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