The healer

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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"Kongpob, is the breakfast ready?" Arthit asked, his hands working on his tie not so successfully

Kongpob nodded at his words before hitting his hands away as he quickly tied up the tie within seconds making arthit smile

They made their way down the stairs towards the kitchen, where kongpob immediately got busy in serving the breakfast

"Good morning dad" arthit greeted his father who was sitting by the dining table already

"Good morning son, good morning to you too my other son" Aroon replied chuckling

"Good morning dad" kongpob replied smiling at him, as he poured him a cup of his desired tea

"I might be a little late today, might as well have dinner with my colleagues" arthit informed

"Okay, no problem" kongpob replied, passing him another pancake

"Hey, how have you been?" Arthit asked, taking a seat beside namtan in the cafe

"I have been alright, how about you? How's kongpob?" Namtan asked smiling at him

"He is alright, I guess" arthit replied shrugging his shoulders

"You guess? He is your husband arthit" namtan said, her eyes held pure shock

"I mean we aren't that close.." Arthit's voice trailed off

"Are you both not happy with each other?" Namtan asked

"No, it isn't so, or maybe it is, maybe he isn't happy with me, but the fact that he cares for me like nobody else makes it hard for me" arthit replied

"Then is it you who's not happy?" Namtan asked raising an eyebrow

"No no,, I really adore him, I guess" arthit replied

"Stop guessing!" Namtan said glaring at her best friends of years

Arthit grinned sheepishly before fiddling with his fingers on the table as namtan let out a sigh

"Come on arthit, do you love him or not?" Namtan asked

"I do..." Arthit mumbled

"Then why don't you talk to him snout it?" Namtan asked

"Because I don't know how to bring up such a topic, what if he really doesn't love me and is only caring because of my dad?" Arthit asked back

"Kongpob is the only person who can answer that for you" namtan replied, leaning back in her chair

Arthit nodded wordlessly, suddenly feeling very down, was he not being good to kongpob?

"Dad, please stay here, I will go find a taxi" kongpob said

Aroon nodded with a smile, as he sat back on the bench placed for the elderlies

Kongpob put the grocery bags beside aroon before he walked a little further towards the taxi stop, glancing around to find a free taxi

His eyes roamed all around the place until something or someone caught his eye, and then his gaze didn't dare move

There in a distance, he could see arthit with his childhood friend namtan he had told him about, they were laughing together in a cafe, not caring about anything else

Kongpob's eye lashes fluttered, he wanted to throw away the forming tears in his eyes, but they just wouldn't stop

Kongpob took in a sharp, shaky breath before he turned back towards where he had left aroon only to find him standing right beside him, staring at arthit as well

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