Wisdom tooth

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"Mr sutthalik, we have successfully removed the wisdom teeth from khun Arthit's mouth, and I'm afraid he is not allowed to eat any crunchy food or dairy products at all, for a few weeks" the doctor explained

"I will make sure that he doesn't do so doctor, thank you" Kongpob replied with a polite smile

Arthit stood behind kongpob, with his hand placed on the side of his right cheek, it pained too much for him to handle, as his other hand clenched Kongpob's shirt tightly

Once Kongpob had paid the fee and received the doctor's prescription, he led arthit towards their car, and drove back home

Getting inside, arthit immediately made his way upstairs to the bedroom to lay down and rest for a while

Kongpob who was tired himself, proceeded to the kitchen first to grab something as a snack, he suddenly felt hungry

While munching on a chocolate bar which arthit loved, a mischievous idea crawled in his brain as he flashed an evil grin

Why not tease the baby a little? Kongpob wondered

Searching for Arthit's favourite pack of chips, kongpob ran upstairs to their bedroom with the packet clutched tightly in his hands and a wide grin on his face

Pushing the door open he found arthit laying on the bed with his phone in his hands, probably scrolling through social media

Arthit turned to meet kongpob in the eye but before he could do so, his eyes landed on the packet in Kongpob's hands and his mouth immediately watered

"Kong...why.." Arthit mumbled, his jaw still paining

"What? I am just having snacks" kongpob replied, surpassing a giggle before sitting beside arthit

Pulling out a chip he munched on it for a good three minutes before pulling out another one, arthit eyed him angrily, but eventually accepted his fate and turned back to his phone

It's been a few hours since the chips trick, arthit was now sitting on the couch, watching a movie while kongpob was in the kitchen

"Kong! The interval is over" arthit yelled

"Coming!" Kongpob yelled back

Hurrying towards the couch with a donut in his hands, kongpob quickly took a seat beside arthit

"The male lead sai.." Arthit's voice disappeared as his eyes caught the sight of a fresh chocolate donut

Kongpob inwardly chuckled at how arthit licked his lips absent mindedly

"Why are you being so cruel?" Arthit glared at him

"I'm just being hungry oon" kongpob replied innocently

Arthit scoffed, and crawled to the end of the couch, staring at the television screen with a pout on his face as kongpob chuckled

Arthit was washing his plate after having his dinner which he didn't really appreciate, all he revived was mashed potato while kongpob enjoyed a box of pizza

Arthit swore to eat each and every junk food existing in this world once his pain was gone and he was permitted to do so

Drying his hands on the towel he turned around to go upstairs to their bedroom when he heard kongpob humming a song happily

"What's u.." Arthit stopped yet again

There he was, kongpob fucking sutthalik, eating an ice cream, and not just any ice cream, Arthit's favourite, Black current

"Why?" Arthit sulked

"Its delicious" kongpob replied

"I hate you" arthit said

Kongpob laughed at his expression, he very much enjoyed the little harmless prank he played on arthit all day

Arthit stomped off towards their bedroom, as kongpob followed him, still laughing at the other's child like behavior

"I promise to bring you anything you wish for once you are all fine" kongpob promised

"Promise?" Arthit asked

"Promise, promise" kongpob replied giggling

"If you say so" arthit said, finally smiling at the thought of munching on his favourite food

Kongpob adorably smiled at arthit looking like a hamster due to the swelled cheek, before both the boys cuddled each other to sleep

I purple you 💜

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