Yes bunny

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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi

"Um..kongy" arthit called softly

"Yes bunny?" Kongpob asked, his eyes stuck on the papers in his hand

"There is a tiny meeting in the school tomorrow, and you are called for it" arthit replied, fidgeting with his fingers

"And who else is called over baby?" Kongpob asked, finally glancing at him

"You, me, the principal..." Arthit's voice trailed off

"And?" Kongpob asked confused

"That's it, it's a tiny gathering!" Arthit replied in his defence

"What did my bunny exactly do? Caused trouble?" Kongpob chuckled at the other's cute behaviour

Arthit pouted, suddenly feeling soft all over and he suddenly wanted to be babied by his husband

Kongpob pulled the other towards him, hugging the other firmly who quickly found himself melting in the other's embrace

"We are gonna attend this tiny gathering today without any stress, okay?" Kongpob asked, placing a kiss on his hair

Arthit looked up at him, grinned and nodded

"But, let's not take these bodyguards of yours, they scare everyone" arthit suggested

"Bun, I can't really go around without them" kongpob replied

"Let them stay by the car, just bring one with you inside the school, p'knot, let others stay back outside" arthit advised

"Okay then, as you want it to be" kongpob replied smiling

"Bun, if you have done something, just tell me already" kongpob said

Arthit only shook his head in response, it wasn't that he had done something, he was just scared of something he didn't want kongpob to know would be out to him

Kongpob patted his back, ruffled his hair before they made their way inside the cabin with knot following behind

"Mr sutthalik, I'm glad you are here, it's something important I would like to talk to you about" the principal said

"What is it ma'am? Is arthit causing trouble?" Kongpob calmly asked

"You can rather say arthit is in trouble" the principal replied

Arthit glanced at kongpob and noticed how his eyes turned dark, the principal probably noticed too, as she mover back in her chair with a nervous sigh

"What is it?" Kongpob asked

"There are a few boys, constantly bullying arthit, teachers have seem them, punished them, suspended them, they don't seem to leave him alone even then, I'm worried about him" the principal explained

"Who on earth is bullying him? I need them here, right now!" Kongpob replied as he stood up

"I...I have called for them and their parents, they will be here any minute" the principal informed

"Arthit, move out" kongpob said

"Bu.." Arthit was cut by kongpob

"Knot, take him back to the car, immediately" kongpob ordered

Knot ordered before gesturing arthit to follow him who sighed before doing so

It was an hour later that kongpob pulled the car's door open and took his seat beside arthit who had fallen asleep waiting

"What did you do?" Knot asked, glancing at the other through the mirror

"Nothing much, really, just showed them their place" kongpob replied, shifting Arthit's head on his shoulder who snuggled closer even in deep sleep

"How will you explain your behaviour towards arthit?" Kongpob asked

"We didn't know..h..he was related to you" one of the boys stuttered

"You wouldn't be sorry if he wasn't? Choose something more rightful to say" kongpob replied

"We would never do it again" one of them shrieked

"Too bad, you have done almost enough already" kongpob glared at them

"Leave them, they are just kids" the first boy's mother spoke

"So is arthit, isn't he?" Kongpob asked

"Don't kil.." She was cut by kongpob

"Oh no, of course I wouldn't kill them, I ain't that cruel" kongpob chuckled humorlessly

The lady suck in a deep breath at his scary laugh

Kongpob turned to face the pale principal who had suddenly started regretting the very whole thing

"Give them their respective transfer certificates, the reason written should be strong enough to stop any school from considering them" kongpob explained

"You can't do that!" The lady yelled

"I can do a lot more and be thankful I ain't doing so" kongpob replied

"Anything if it's for my baby" kongpob whispered

The car came to halt as they reached their house and arthit stretched

"Kongy?" Arthit called

Kongpob hummed in response

"It it solved?" Arthit asked, rubbing his eyes cutely

"Yes bunny" kongpob chuckled

I purple you 💜

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