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This story is on the special request of sukhi-peraya

Arthit could hear Kongpob's heart beat, it was more than just rapid but he couldn't complain, his own heart was hammering in his chest, sweat building up at every possible place

Arthit glanced at his husband who had his eyes closed and looked as if he was trying to hold his breath behind all the clothes they were hiding in

Arthit peeked through the slight crack in the closets door and he could see that the way was clear, though he could still hear the pounding footsteps and the dragging of a heavy object, a hammer was what he was expecting it to be

Sweat trickled down his forehead as he intertwined his fingers with Kongpob's shivery ones, whose mind was in a completely different battlefield, one where he had to save the love of his life

Kongpob had it clearly pictured in his mind, he knew that even if he had to sacrifice himself to save Arthit, he wouldn't think even for a blink and would jump right into it but he also knew that Arthit would do the very same

"We need to hurry out.." arthit whispered, his voice barely coming out

Kongpob nodded shortly, not wanting anything wrong to happen, they couldn't afford mistakes, not in this situation

Arthit took in a deep breath of bravery before he slowly pushed the door open and took a step out with Kongpob right behind him, not wanting to use Arthit as a shield

The room was empty and there were no footsteps approaching on their floor, Arthit sighed in the slightest bit of relief before tightening his grip around Kongpob's hand

The faint sound of the dragging of something heavy sent shivers down their spine, Kongpob felt his heart pounding in his chest, it scared him to the core

"How long will you hide for? I'm coming to find you.."

Kongpob's breath hitched and Arthit visibly shivered before he held onto Kongpob's hand tighter than ever, digging his nails into the other's skin

Kongpob bit his lower lip, not wanting to let out a sound and alert the dangerous one around them, he walked on his tip toes, right behind arthit

"Where do you think you would go?"

Arthit pulled Kongpob closer as they reached the kitchen, making their way to the main door when they heard the hurried footsteps, nearly running and their heart fell to their sleeve

Arthit immediately pushed Kongpob in the pantry before getting inside with him, it wasn't very small but not quite large of a space either and so they were conjusted

"I know where you are, aren't you..." There was a pause, louder than ever with their hearts beating in unison until they heard a loud bang "Here?"

They could see a huge hole right next to where Kongpob stood, his head missed by chance and in a reflex the other yelled, jumping into Arthit

Arthit pushed the door open and ran out with Kongpob's hand in his, reaching out for the main door until he was pulled back by his sleeve

He fell back on the floor and he could see Kongpob shivering right in front of him, tears streaming down his face and Arthit wanted nothing but for him to be safe

"Die, you die.."

Arthit turned to him, crawling backwards as he gulped in the lump in his throat

"Honey, baby, don't you recognise me? It's dad, Ava, princess?" Arthit asked, an urgency in his voice

"Baby, you are hurting dad" kongpob mumbled, his voice shivery

"Am I? Am I hurting you dad?" Ava asked, her huge eyes full of innocence

Arthit nodded his head vigorously, in hopes that maybe she was coming to her senses and maybe it was over

Ava sighed before she turned to face Kongpob who took a step back as he saw the smile creeping up on his daughter's face

"I will not hurt him then, papa" Ava mumbled before lifting up the hammer she held

Arthit's eyes widened in horror and a scream emerged from his throat as he saw blood splash out from his husband's hand and Ava laughed in joy, clapping her hands together

Arthit tried to breath, it was getting hard, as if there was something heavy on his chest, too heavy for him to handle when he suddenly woke up, in a dimly lit room

He looked towards his left to see Kongpob sleeping peacefully, the clock struck a three in the night, as he let out a sigh

Arthit bent down and placed a kiss on Kongpob's forehead, his cheeks, his lips and his nose, wanting to wake him up just to kiss him hard, to have the feeling of his arms around him again

"It was a bad dream, the worst.." arthit mumbled

He decided to lay back down and go back to sleep when a light knock on the door caught his attention

"Where are you, dad?"

This might be similar to another story by a different author, I wanted to give this a different ending so here it is and sorry, but there won't be a second part, it's an open ending 😁

I purple you 💜

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