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"Baby?" Arthit's voice echoed in the hall as he slowly walked in with soft steps

The silence was soft and natural, it didn't cause anxieties and instead arthit felt warmth spreading all over him when his eyes fell upon his boyfriend sleeping soundly on the couch

"My baby has fallen asleep?" Arthit chuckled as he kneeled down beside the couch

Kongpob snored softly in response making Arthit giggle louder as he pulled the blanket over his lying frame, earning a groan in response

"Oon?" Kongpob whispered

Arthit placed a soft kiss on the other's forehead and kongpob smiled lazily, pulling onto Arthit's arm, asking him to join him on the couch

"I have got a few files to review, bub" Arthit reasoned out, though not pulling away from the other's hold

"Aren't I a little more important?" Kongpob mumbled, peeling through one eye half open

Arthit let out a hearty laugh before crawling under the blanket, pulling Kongpob completely over himself and the other sighed in contentment

Kongpob nuzzled deeper into Arthit's neck, buttering the spot with multiple butterfly kisses, as the other giggled softly

"How was your day?" Kongpob asked, playing with the collar of Arthit's t-shirt

"It was a busy day, productive but busy" Arthit replied, patting the other's back repeatedly, as he liked

"Mine was unproductive and lazy" kongpob pouted

"Babys are allowed to have such days" Arthit replied, smiling innocently

"I'm not a real baby, oon" kongpob replied, rolling his eyes sassily

"You are, my little real baby" Arthit whispered, pecking the other's hair

"You are a simp" kongpob chuckled, blood rushing upto his cheek, an adoring blush

"I proudly am, bub" Arthit chuckled

Here's a little sweet and soft scene from the kongart universe
I'm sorry for my inactivity, just another one and a half month and I'll be back to being regular

I purple you 💜

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