With love

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This story is on the special request of q_Lina

"Kong!" Loona chirped hugging the latter tight

"How have you been mom?" Kongpob asked, hugging her back with the same tightness

"Oh I have been very well, how about you? Aren't you having your meals on time? You look thinner than last time" loona replied, scanning the boy up and down

"Yeah, and the last time was like a day ago" Arthit's annoyed voice echoed

"Seems like someone is not in a goof mood" kongpob giggled

"Being your boyfriend, am I not the first person you should meet?" Arthit asked, hands folded and a frown on his face

"Not when mom is home" Kongpob replied, getting kissed by loona on the cheek in response

"God!" Arthit mumbled, walking back inside, plopping down on the couch with a pout

"Go and greet him, he wouldn't eat otherwise" loona chuckled as kongpob nodded, hurrying towards the other

"Oon" kongpob called, sitting beside him

"What is it?" Arthit asked

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you" kongpob grinned

"And how much is that?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow

"This much" kongpob replied, pulling the other in for a warm hug

"You always get it your way with your tricks don't you?" Arthit asked, a soft smile breaking on his face

"Always" kongpob replied, kissing the other's hair

"Though, how are your cooking session going on? Improved enough to not burn down the kitchen?" Arthit asked, smirking teasingly

"Oon! I'm trying hard you know, I think cooking just isn't my thing" Kongpob replied, a small pout adoring his lips

"Isn't so, just a little more practice, and you will cook better than mom" arthit chuckled

"That was a clear false hope, better than mom? Not possible in this birth" Kongpob replied, rolling his eyes

"I wonder if your mother sometimes gets jealous of mine, since you love her so much" arthit said, smiling cheekily

"She does, I manage it, she is happy I stay at yours and don't create mess at home" kongpob replied, giggling

"If the giggles out there between the lovers is done, would you go over to the grocery store arthit? I need a few things, and also to the post office, there is a letter I need to post" loona yelled from the kitchen

"Not now mom! I have met my boyfriend after a break" arthit groaned

"Yeah, and the break was of a day" loona yelled back, laughing right after

"That was cool mom!" Kongpob complimented

"Meanie" arthit mumbled before rushing towards his mother, grabbing the letter and the list ad he left to get the work done quickly

"You seem upset son?" Loona asked, noticing kongpob standing at a corner silently

"I was just thinking about the day I would actually be able to cook well, and oon would compliment me about it" Kongpob replied, fidgeting with his fingers

"Let's bring the day now, what's so hard in it?" Loona asked

"You don't know how terrible I'm in cooking" kongpob pouted

"Oh, how bad can you be? Mix up salt and sugar? Honey, I was the worse cook among my two other sisters and see, you love my cooking now, don't you?" Loona asked, softly laughing

"Really?" Kongpob asked surprised

"Really! Now come on, let me help you, we will do it together, add some love is the food and it turns out delicious" loona replied as kongpob nodded with an eager smile

"What will we cook?" Kongpob asked

"Let's cook your oon's favourite, Pad Thai" loona replied

"I'm home" arthit announced, walking inside, closing the door behind him

"Welcome home" kongpob replied grinning

"I'm hungry now, what do we have for lunch?" Arthit asked, rubbing his tummy

"Your favourite dish is prepared, come over" Kongpob replied, dragging the other towards the dining table

Arthit sat down on the chair, something seemed odd, both his mother and kongpob stood beside him, boring holes in him as they insisted him to have a bit

As soon as the taste dissolved in Arthit's mouth, he moaned at how delicious it was, the perfect flavours and perfect spices, arthit absolutely loved it

"This is delicious mom, your cooking never disappoints" arthit complimented

"Well that's a fact, but this was cooked by your lovely boyfriend, kongpob" loona informed chuckling

"Really? You made it Kong? By yourself?" Arthit asked surprised

"Yup! Really! I made it by myself!" Kongpob replied, grinning

"That's just perfect bun, and there you were telling me you are horrible at cooking" arthit replied, ruffling the others hair as loona admired them

"Kong, I have informed your mother that you are staying here tonight, she said she was okay with it" loona informed

"Okay mom" kongpob replied

"Let's get to bed now, I'm rather tired" arthit mumbled yawning

"Goodnight then, no funny buisness understand?" Loona asked, glaring at them playfully

"Yes ma'am!" The boys replied in unison as the three of them broke into fits of laughter

I purple you 💜

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