Christmas dinner

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"Are you sure it's alright for me to be there?" Arthit asked, fiddling with his fingers

"What do you mean bun? Why would it not be alright?" Kongpob asked back

"I mean it could be too early to get involved in your family dinners, you know.." arthit's voice trailed off

"Darling, stop being ridiculous, you are always welcome in my family, trust me they are excited to meet you" kongpob replied with an assuring smile

Arthit didn't reply and kongpob could sense that he had zoned out, he shook his head before approaching his cute little human

Kongpob pulled him towards himself by his waist taking him by surprise and gaining all of his attention

"You will love them as much as they love you" kongpob whispered, kissing his forehead

"They haven't met me yet kong" arthit replied, hiding in Kongpob's chest, feeling safe

"Oh yes they have, just not physically, which they will tonight, now hurry up" kongpob replied chuckling

Arthit giggled at his words, feeling a little lighter as he obeyed to what the other said and hurried up

"It's alright, you will be fine" kongpob mumbled for the hundredth time

And the door was suddenly pulled open as arthit came face to face with an elderly women who smiled at both of them

"Hello my lovely son" loona greeted before hugging kongpob

"Good evening ma'am" arthit greeted

"Oh come on arthit, don't be so formal, just call me mom" loona replied

Arthit giggled in relief before nodding as loona led them further inside

"Honey, the kids are home!" Loona announced

"Oh my, I missed you so much my son" aroon said pulling kongoob in a fatherly hug

"And I really wanted to meet you as soon as possible too my son" aroon chuckled, also hugging arthit

Arthit smiled back at him returning the hug the very same way

Fifteen minutes in the Sutthalik house and arthit was more than comfortable, all his worries, anxiety were long gone

"Oh he was a dramatic kid, throwing tantrums all the time" loona chuckled

"He is still the very same then" arthit chuckled

"Yah! You are the dramatic one" kongpob argued

"Living proof!" Aroon exclaimed as they all broke into a Merry laughter

Kongpob glared at arthit playfully, making the other glare back at him dramatically

The elder couple chuckled at their antics, they were cuter than they had expected them to be

The glaring competition was still on when arthit suddenly sneezed and kongpob's expression held concern

"I told you to wear a proper jacket, it's Christmas and you think the weather is not cold?" Kongpob scolded the other

"It's just one sne.." and arthit sneezed again

"Looks like you caught a cold" loona commented

"I told him to carry a jacket, but he never has to listen to what I say, now suffer" kongpob continued as he stood up

Aroon watched as his son hurried to switch on the room heater and dissappeared into his old room only to repear a minute later with his blanket

"Kongy, it's nothing much, r...*sneeze* really" arthit said

"Stay quiet and warm yourself up" kongpob scolded

"Kong, he will be fine, have your dinner son and let him too" loona said, shaking her head tiredly

While kongpob glanced at arthit every second who had finally accepted that he had caught a cold and sat at the dining table with a napkin

"I'm fine kong!" Arthit argued

Kongpob only glared at him and the younger one fell quiet at once

Loona and aroon smiled to each other, the kids were adorable

"Mom, dad I think we will head home now, I need to give him medicines and cuddles" kongpob said

Arthit's cheeks slightly reddened, kongpob didn't have to say it out aloud

"Oh I don't need cuddles to get well, I'm not a baby, just give me medicines" arthit stated, not wanting to look like a baby in front of Kongpob's parents

Kongpob raised an eyebrow at him while his parents chuckled silently

"Yes yes, you should head back, it's also getting late, drive safe son" aroon replied

Kongpob nodded with a soft smile

The pairs quickly bid their goodbyes with arthit not even holding Kongpob's hand, oh he could surely stay without any skinship, he wasn't a baby

"P, can I sit on your lap while you drive?" Arthit requested

"No" kongpob replied in short

"Please, I'm feeling cold, I need your warmth" arthit whined

"Well you don't need cuddles, all you need are medicines, didn't you say so?" Kongpob asked teasingly

Arthit chuckled nervously

"That was all a joke, please p" arthit pleaded again

Kongpob only shook his head, not letting the younger one even hold his hand making him whine

"I took the medicines, can we cuddle now?" Arthit asked with his innocent eyes staring up at kongpob

"You aren't a baby, right arthit?" Kongpob asked back

"I'm! I'm your baby, now please?" Arthit asked again

Kongpob lay under the covers, still away from arthit making the other pout, almost ready to cry

"Okay okay, don't cry, come here" kongpob said hurriedly, pulling the other close

Arthit wiped his eyes with his tiny fists, wiping away the tiny tears as he lay himself on kongpob completely

Kongpob hugged him back protectively, earning a satisfied sigh from the younger one who lay his head on his chest comfortably

"Why did you act all grown up at my place?" Kongpob chuckled

"I didn't want to look like a baby" arthit replied through his pout

Kongpob watched him with heart eyes as he pecked the others lips

"But you are my baby and I love it when you act like the little brat you are, showing everyone that I'm head over heels for you and would do literally anything for you" kongpob stated

Arthits face heated up as he quickly hid himself in Kongpob's embrace

"Okay, I will do that from the next time" arthit mumbled

"Good, I love you baby, get well soon please" kongpob replied, kissing the top of his head

"I love you too kongy" arthit replied with a lazy smile

Okay so I was wondering, what if I write a taekook story?

I purple you 💜

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