The double sided love

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This story is on the special request of q_Lina I'm sorry for the minor changes I made
Arthit opened his locker to put away all the extra books he wouldn't need during the first few periods when his eyes fell on a piece of paper, and it seemed more like a letter

Pulling it out, Arthit's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, who had sent him a letter? To cure his curiosity he opened the letter in a flash and began reading the content through the small voice in his head

Dear p'arthit,

Hi, I'm someone you might not have ever noticed, but I'm also someone who couldn't help but notice every single detail about you. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you smile, and everything about you is so attractive that I couldn't help myself from falling for you, I have written this tiny letter to you because I'm afraid of confessing to you directly, well because, I'm a boy myself, but all I know is that I love you and I don't think I will ever get over it, though I cannot force you, if you want me to go away, I will, but if by chance, you don't want me to, just keep the letter in your bag with you, and I will take it as a sign of approval

Yours, me!

Arthit chuckled at the end, the writer had addressed himself as 'me' which was a rather hard clue to understand who it was, but nonetheless arthit stuffed the letter inside his bag, looking around to find anyone staring at him, but didn't

Putting all the extra books away, arthit made his way to his mathematics class with a beautiful dimpled smile adoring his face

Kongpob jumped in victory, his eyes shining with happiness as he witnessed arthit stuffing the letter in his bag with a smile on his face

Who else could have written such a cheesy letter? None other than Kongpob himself, he was a year younger than arthit and was madly in love with the senior

Kongpob's elder brother knot, was Arthit's best friend and that's how kongpob was introduced to arthit three years ago

Kongpob was in his twelfth grade while knot was in the first year of college when he bought arthit home for the first time and introduced him as his best friend

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